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Hire Ex-Founders

Ex-founders are usually good hires. Especially if they are deeply skilled in something other than being generalists.

There are bad hires who come in form of ex-founders, in fact many of them and they bring so much baggage enough to ruin not only the area of your business you hand over to them, but also your team dynamics.

The list of character issues can range from be very egoistical, being a know-it-all, expensive and unproductive, not-open minded, lacking the bones to execute. Too many to list here. On the other hand what you're really looking for in an ex-founder is ownership and resourcefulness.

If you have made an hire [maybe expensive] and you think because it took you so long and so much resources to find them, but you knew from Day 1 they were a bad fit. You need to let go them fast and move on, your expense is the cost of learning who not to hire.

It is hard to get it wrong when you rely heavily on the character of a candidate vs their abilities.

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