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Ayush Kumawat
Ayush Kumawat

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How to be in top 1% on leetcode in 6 months.

How to Be in the Top 1% on LeetCode in 6 Months
Reaching the top 1% on LeetCode isn’t just about raw talent; it’s about having a smart approach, staying consistent, and maintaining the right mindset. With the right strategy, dedication, and time, anyone can achieve this goal within six months. Here’s a guide that breaks down the process:

1. Conquer but Not Divide This Time
When tackling Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), one of the most effective strategies is grouping related concepts. It helps you see the bigger picture and recognize patterns that work across different types of problems.

Master DSA in Style: Treat Linked Lists, Trees, Graphs, Dynamic Programming (DP), Recursion, Backtracking, and Divide and Conquer as unified topics rather than isolating them.

Linked Lists, Trees, and Graphs: These data structures often use similar traversal techniques like Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS). Learn one well, and you'll see the techniques apply to the others.
Dynamic Programming (DP), Recursion, Backtracking, and Divide and Conquer: These strategies involve breaking down problems into smaller parts and solving them efficiently. Grouping these concepts together will help you develop a stronger problem-solving muscle.
Arrays and Strings: Most problems involving arrays and strings share common solutions like sliding windows, two-pointers, and dynamic programming patterns.
Pro Tip: Dedicate 4-6 weeks to mastering these grouped topics. This way, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of how these problems relate to each other.

2. Apply the 80/20 Rule for Problem Selection
The 80/20 rule is crucial for efficient learning. Instead of solving every problem out there, focus on the 20% of problems that teach you 80% of the techniques you need.

Concentrate on solving medium-level problems since they reflect common interview questions and build core problem-solving skills.
Pro Tip: Between weeks 4 and 10, prioritize the problems that introduce key patterns. By focusing on these, you’ll learn faster and more effectively.

3. Depth Outweighs Volume: Focus on Quality Problem Solving
LeetCode is often a numbers game, but solving hundreds of problems doesn’t guarantee success. What matters is how well you understand each problem you solve.

Start with Easy Problems: In the first 2-3 weeks, solve 5-6 easy problems per day to get comfortable with basic concepts like arrays, linked lists, and hashmaps.
Transition to Medium Problems: By week 4, aim to solve 2-3 medium problems daily. These are the bread and butter of coding interviews.
Move to Hard Problems: From week 8 onwards, challenge yourself with 1 hard problem every 2-3 days to push your limits.
You Can Obtain If and Only If You Can Retain and Sustain: Simply solving problems isn’t enough. You need to retain what you’ve learned and sustain the ability to apply those techniques across different problems.
Pro Tip: Aim for 300-400 problems over six months, but make sure you thoroughly understand the solution to each one.

4. Repetition is the Mother of Skill: Practice Old Questions 6-7 Times
Mastery comes from repetition. Revisiting difficult problems and practicing them multiple times helps solidify concepts and improves speed.

Revisit Old Problems: Solve challenging problems 6-7 times over time to build real mastery.
Track Your Mistakes: Keep a log of where you went wrong and make it a habit to revisit those mistakes until they become strengths.
Pro Tip: Start revisiting old problems regularly from week 6 onwards, ensuring they stay fresh in your mind.

5. Disappear from the World: Focus and Master One Skill
If you want to be in the top 1%, you’ll need to block out distractions and give your full attention to mastering coding.

Cut Out Distractions: Whether it’s social media or unnecessary activities, limit anything that steals your focus.
Go All-In: Immerse yourself in problem-solving every day to fast-track your learning curve.
Pro Tip: From day one, commit to full immersion for the next six months.

6. Walk, Talk, and Act Like You Are Already in the Top 1%
Your mindset plays a huge role in your success. When you approach problems, believe that you belong in the top 1%—that confidence will push you through challenges.

Confidence is Key: Every time you sit down to solve a problem, tell yourself you can solve it. This mindset will help you push through frustration.
Visualize Success: Picture yourself nailing interviews and being in the top 1%. It will keep you motivated and focused.
Pro Tip: Start with this mindset from the beginning. Cultivate it daily, and it will carry you through tough moments.

7. Embrace Burnout Instead of Avoiding It
Burnout is a real thing, and it’s easy to hit a wall when you’re studying and practicing intensely. But instead of fearing burnout, use it as a signal for growth.

Push Through the Fatigue: When you start feeling mentally drained, know that a breakthrough is often just around the corner.
Breakthroughs Follow Burnout: Some of your best learning moments will come after you’ve pushed yourself beyond your comfort zone.
Pro Tip: During the tougher weeks (like weeks 8-12), push through the burnout, knowing that it’s part of the process.

8. Learn from Others’ Mistakes and Analyze Different Solutions to Expand Your Logic
You’re not on this journey alone. Learning from others is a fast track to improving your problem-solving skills.

Study Different Approaches: After solving a problem, look at other solutions to see if there’s a more efficient or creative way to solve it.
Join Community Discussions: Don’t be afraid to participate in the LeetCode community. Learn from others’ mistakes and insights.
Pro Tip: After solving a problem, always check out how others approached it. This will expand your thinking.

9. Don’t Judge Yourself, Instead Change Yourself
Mistakes are part of the process, but what matters is how you respond to them. Instead of beating yourself up, focus on growing from each mistake.

No Self-Criticism: Be kind to yourself when you make mistakes. View each one as a learning opportunity.
Adapt and Improve: Every failure is a chance to change your approach and improve your problem-solving skills.
Pro Tip: Keep this growth mindset throughout your journey and focus on constant improvement.

10. Vulnerability is the Key: Do Contests
Putting yourself out there in contests is a vulnerable experience, but it’s one of the fastest ways to improve.

Join Weekly Contests: Starting around week 8, participate in LeetCode contests to sharpen your speed and accuracy.
Analyze Solutions: After each contest, review where you went wrong and learn from the top solutions.
Pro Tip: Start participating in contests as soon as you can, and use them as a tool to measure your progress.

11. You Can Eat an Elephant if You Eat It Bit by Bit Daily
Breaking down your goals into manageable pieces makes the big challenge seem less daunting.

Small Steps Add Up: Tackle 2-3 problems a day. It may seem small, but consistency will get you closer to your goal.
Celebrate Progress: Every problem solved is a step toward mastery, so acknowledge your progress along the way.
Pro Tip: Stay consistent from day one. The small steps will add up to big wins over time.

12. Be Aware of the Fake World of Social Media
Social media can create unrealistic expectations. It’s important not to compare your journey to the curated success stories you see online.

Recognize the Illusion: Social media often highlights only the successes and hides the struggles. Don’t let that create self-doubt.
Avoid Seeking Validation: Focus on your growth and progress rather than seeking validation from how others present themselves online.
Measure Success by Personal Growth: Compare your progress to where you started, not to someone else’s highlights reel.
Pro Tip: Stay grounded and mindful of social media throughout your six-month journey.

13. You Can Only Obtain If and Only If You Retain and Sustain Your Knowledge
It’s not enough to learn something once. You need to keep reviewing and applying your knowledge to truly master it.

Retain What You Learn: Regularly revisit old problems and solutions to make sure the knowledge sticks.
Sustain Application: Keep applying what you’ve learned to new problems to sharpen your problem-solving skills.
Pro Tip: Incorporate review sessions into your routine to ensure long-term retention and application.

By following these steps and staying dedicated, you can absolutely reach the top 1% on LeetCode within six months. The key is to stay consistent, focus on quality over quantity, and maintain a growth mindset. Keep pushing yourself, and the success will follow.

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