Hello World!
..sorry had to do it. Welcome to my first dev.to post, hopefully the first of many!
I wanted to start off with a really simple utility that Java developers can easily integrate in their code and improve the codebase.
Something I see very often, usually in legacy projects, is a logger being declared for every class.
1 public class MyClass {
3 private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClass.class);
5 ...
6 }
Realistically this won't be very resource intensive but we can definitely make improvements to simplify.
Introducing.. logging with CDI!
With CDI, we can inject a SL4J (or your favourite implementation) logger.
First thing we need to do is implement a logging producer using the Injection Point API.
1 @ApplicationScoped
2 public class LoggerProducer {
4 @Produces
5 public Logger getLogger(final InjectionPoint ip) {
6 return LoggerFactory.getLogger(ip.getMember().getDeclaringClass());
6 }
7 }
We specify the scope of the class as @ApplicationScoped. The injection point API allows us to know the declaring class of the injected logger.
Imports :
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces;
import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.InjectionPoint;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
Note : Ensure that the correct @Produces annotation is imported, not the JAX-RS producer
Next step is to simply @Inject our logger into our class and begin to log.
1 @ApplicationScoped
2 public class MyClass {
4 @Inject
5 private Logger logger;
7 public void myMethod(){
8 logger.info("My log!");
9 }
10 }
There we have it, an easy CDI logger.
There are other implementations such as a Lombok logger. However, there are some steps to make Lombok compatible with your IDE and I believe a CDI logger is easier to integrate with an existing codebase.
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