DEV Community

Balachandar P
Balachandar P

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What is software testing? What we need to know about software testing? What is the relevance of software testing?

Software testing is an assessment of the software program. in this process to identify flaws and errors before going to handover to customers. To ensure the software programs are working properly and meet customer expectations and are flawless. AND check whether the expectations are met as per customer's requirement. To Deliver flawless products to the customers.

Software testing is vital for delivering functional and secure software. Effective testing builds trust in the customers.Make sure the final products should meet the quality standard and be reliable.
Main thing is quality assurance and user satisfaction.

Types of testing are manual and automation testing .In these methods we test functional and non functional tests. Various forms of testing are conducted such as unit testing, security testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing.

A functional test is used to test all functionality of the software and non functional tests are performance and endurance.

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