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Bala Venkatesh
Bala Venkatesh

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Python Selenium Architecture for WebAutomation


In current situation where web applications and web pages are getting advanced and complex, we are in need of efficient web automation solutions.

With several web automation architecture available today, python selenium architecture is one among them which provides simplicity and also adoption to changes.

Here, in this post we try to provide simpler explanation of how python selenium architecture works.

Python Selenium Architecture

It uses combination of python and selenium in a effective way that provides greater facility to automate web browser interactions.

Flow Chart

Python Language
Python known for its simplicity and readability, is used as scripting language which interacts and uses selenium webdriver.

Selenium Webdriver API

Selenium webdriver API is core of this architecture, which acts as bridge between script and browser, it helps to control actions in browser.

Browser Driver
To communicate with browsers, selenium depends on browser specific drivers such as chromedriver and geckodriver.

These drivers establish connection between webdriver and respective browser.

Web Browser
Target application of this automation is web browsers such as chrome, firefox or edge.

Web Elements
Webpages consists of elements such as button, input fields, links.
Selenium python architecture provides methods to locate and interact with those elements.

Test Actions
We perform range of actions like click, type, navigations in webpage using webdriver API.

These actions simulate real time user interactions with web page.

Result Verification
After performing actions , selenium validates expected outcome against actual results, which ensures functionality and correctness of web application.

In testing, selenium python architecture helps us to test workflows , improve coverage and ensures quality of web application.

It also stands tall in terms of providing powerful and flexible framework.

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