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Bart Zalewski
Bart Zalewski

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Cross-Platform Development with Flutter Web: Pros and Cons

In the evolving landscape of software development, cross-platform solutions have become increasingly sought after. Flutter, initially recognized for its prowess in mobile app development, has recently expanded its capabilities to the web. This extension, known as Flutter Web, enables developers to create applications that operate seamlessly across mobile and web platforms from a single codebase. While Flutter Web heralds new opportunities, it also comes with its set of challenges. This article explores the capabilities, limitations, and compares Flutter with other frameworks in web development.

Understanding Flutter for Web

Flutter, developed by Google, is an open-source UI software development kit. It was originally designed for Android and iOS app development but has since extended its reach to include web applications. Flutter Web uses the same UI and business logic on all platforms, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the development process. Itโ€™s known for its rich set of widgets and the ability to create custom UIs that look and feel native on any platform.

Pros of Using Flutter Web

  1. Unified Codebase: Flutter allows developers to use a single codebase for both mobile and web applications. This reduces development time, cost, and resources while ensuring consistency across platforms.

  2. Rich Ecosystem: With a vast collection of widgets and tools, Flutter Web offers extensive options for UI development, enabling the creation of visually appealing and highly functional web applications.

  3. Strong Community Support: Being a Google-backed framework, Flutter has a robust community. Developers have access to numerous resources, tutorials, and community support, which aids in quicker learning and problem-solving.

  4. Customizable and Flexible UI: Flutterโ€™s widget-based architecture allows for highly customizable and flexible UI designs. This is particularly beneficial for creating branded experiences and complex layouts.

  5. Hot Reload Feature: The hot reload feature in Flutter significantly speeds up the development process, allowing developers to see changes in real-time without losing the current application state.

Cons of Using Flutter Web

  1. Performance Concerns: While Flutter excels in mobile app development, its performance on the web can be inconsistent. Large applications may face performance issues due to the size of the Flutter Web runtime.

  2. Application Size: Flutter Web applications tend to be larger in size compared to those developed in traditional web frameworks, which can lead to longer loading times and potentially impact user experience.

  3. Limited Web-Specific Libraries: Since Flutter Web is relatively new, it lacks some web-specific libraries and features available in more mature web frameworks, which can be a hindrance for complex web applications.

  4. Browser Compatibility: Flutter Web apps may face compatibility issues with certain browsers, and there can be challenges in achieving the same level of smoothness and functionality across all browsers.

Comparison with Other Frameworks

When compared to other web development frameworks like React or Angular, Flutter Web stands out for its unified codebase approach. However, frameworks like React have a more mature ecosystem for web-specific development, offering a wider range of libraries and tools optimized for web. Angular, known for its scalability and robustness, is often preferred for complex enterprise-level web applications. Flutter Web, while versatile, is still evolving in terms of web-specific functionalities and performance optimization.

Case Studies and Examples

Real-world applications of Flutter Web have demonstrated its potential and versatility. For instance, Google Ads has used Flutter to create a consistent user experience across mobile and web. However, there have also been cases where developers faced challenges in performance optimization and dealing with large application sizes when deploying complex applications on the web.


Flutter Web presents a compelling option for developers looking to create cross-platform applications with a single codebase. Its strengths in unified development, customizable UI, and strong community support make it an attractive choice. However, considerations around performance, application size, and the maturity of its web-specific features are essential before adopting it for web development. As the framework continues to evolve, it is likely to address these challenges, further strengthening its position in the world of cross-platform development.

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