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Help!! Seeking advice: How to effectively study and get along with JavaScript?

Hey fellow devs!

I'm reaching out for some guidance on studying and working with JavaScript. As a beginner developer, I'm eager to improve my skills, but sometimes struggle to wrap my head around JavaScript's intricacies.

Specifically, I'd love some advice on:

  • Effective study resources (tutorials, books, courses, etc.)
  • Best practices for understanding and working with JavaScript fundamentals (syntax, DOM manipulation, etc.)

Any advice, tips, or resources you can share would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

pls help a young dev

Top comments (19)

kurealnum profile image

"Studying" Javascript (or any language for that matter) normally just involves writing a lot of Javascript. I'll advise you this:

  • Don't worry about perfect functionality. Pick a little project (maybe a TODO list) and do it.
  • Don't pick up a framework immediately. Try and understand what Javascript is actually doing first.
  • Do understand that there are few things about Javascript that feel natural (at least for me). Javascript has a bunch of weird quirks such as promises, promise chaining, truthy and falsy. Don't be frustrated if you don't understand something.
  • Enjoy it. Coding is suppose to be fun.
bbylumi profile image

Thank you, this will really help

i appreciate.

getsetgopi profile image
  1. Basic concepts of JavaScript and the syntax should be learned, understood, and hands-on with.
  2. You should not give up until you understand basic. All those syntaxes, object, array, boolean, integer, function, arguments, loops, etc., will make it difficult at the beginning.
  3. Next, get to the intermediate level of JavaScript like ajax, storage, APIs, regex, if/else/switch conditions etc.
  4. Don't give up until you understand intermediate concepts.
  5. Learn advanced concepts like OOP, patterns, prototypes, factory functions, handling errors, and ES6.

Write more code to learn the syntax and grasp the concepts. Everything looks easy and simple once you get the hook of it.

Good luck and happy learning and happy coding!

bbylumi profile image

Thank you very much

really holding onto dont give up untill you understand

devmaster03 profile image
John Franklin

You can study W3School course.
It is good for beginners according to my experience.
If you want ask something, drop me a message.

softwaredeveloping profile image

You like the w3shool courses? 😊 I admire that. I could never get a thorough understanding with them. 😏

bbylumi profile image

oh really, i make sure i participate in the_ try it yourself_ of each examples and understand it very well

Thread Thread
softwaredeveloping profile image

Yes I do too. They are helpful, but I don't find w3schools a good primary learning resource, it's a great supplement. You don't know Java Script Yet is great for foundational principles.

bbylumi profile image

Thank you, 've visited the site i think i'll be able to get through

okay i will

bbylumi profile image

Thank you........i've visited the site i think i'll be able to get through

okay i will

phalkmin profile image
Paulo Henrique

You can follow this roadmap

As to where to find study resources, focus more on learning programming, logic, etc.

bbylumi profile image

Thank you sir

The roadmap will really help, i appreciate that.

softwaredeveloping profile image

I REALLY recommend the book You Don't Know JavaScript Yet. Also, it can be good just to hang out with other devs. If you like, you're free to join me on my Discord channel. 😊

bbylumi profile image

pls can you share the link to the book if it's online

softwaredeveloping profile image

Yes, sure. Here you go:

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, @bbylumi. How are you? I'm also a beginner and suggest the JavaScript Data Structure Algorithm course from freeCodeCamp and the basic JavaScrip path from Frontend Mentor. The main focus of both of these courses is the practical part of being familiar with basic content.

geekoteka profile image
Iván Martínez Agüero • Edited

My practical approach, build a product with Javascript. Nothing fancy.

  1. Don’t focus too much on the product’s interface or the tech stack.
  2. Think of a small problem you can solve and automate it.
  3. Start with something simple, like an app in ExpressJS, or whatever is easiest for you, without a UI, and send requests.
  4. Create one endpoint that performs a simple operation. E.g. Retrieve Pokemon data.
  5. Integrate the services with a simple interface on your preferred platform.

You don’t need libraries for everything; sometimes a simple array or map is enough.
Once you have a complete workflow, think about libraries, optimize, and scale those services.

If you need mockup data try using a free one from RapidApi or similar.

Another approach is creative programming with P5.js, they host workshops and you can find a lot of good free not that boring content.


tecnomage profile image
vini braga

please, tell me more. what do u already know! do you have previous experience in programming?

tecnomage profile image
vini braga

please, tell me more. what do u already know! do you have previous experience in programming?