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Mark Michon for Bearer

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Step by Step: How to configure the Slack API and find your credentials

This guide explains how to set up and configure an application within Slack. You can use this setup process to start building integrations, chatbots, and more with the Slack API.


  1. Go to the Slack API site and select "Start Building".
  2. Name your new application and select a development workspace.
  3. Save the client credentials and set up OAuth settings.

Step by Step

Step 1: Go to The Slack API. This is where you'll create and configure the application. It's also home to the Slack APIs documentation. Select the "Start Building" button.

Slack API Documentation

Step 2: Choose a name for your application and a development workspace. Don't worry, you can modify the name and description later. The development workspace will be the workspace the application is associated with. Since Slack workspaces don't share user accounts, you need to pick one so you can log in and modify your application settings. Your app can still be installed on other workspaces.

Slack App Creation Form

Once your app is created, you'll be presented with the application settings screen:

Slack application settings

Step 3: With your application created, it is time to gather the credentials and adjust any additional settings you may need. The credentials can be found by scrolling further down the basic information screen.

Slack credentials

In most cases, you'll want to keep the client ID and client secret available for making the connection within your application. If you need to reference them again later, return to this page.

Next, go to the OAuth and Permissions page from the link in the left sidebar.

Slack OAuth settings

This page allows you to set your approved redirect URLs and the scopes your application will use. Make sure to include any local and production URLs that will accept the redirect from Slack when users authorize your app.

Slack Redirect URLs

You'll also want to make sure to set any scopes your application intends to use. These will be determined by which endpoints and features of the API you want to use. You can always change these later, but your users will need to approve the new scope requests.

Slack scopes

⚠️Keep in mind that the layout of these pages could change at any time, but the core sections should remain the same.

What's next

Now you're all set to build an awesome integration with the Slack API. To help you get up and running, here are a few more resources:

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