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Integrating with Twitch in Telescope: Part 1!

For this week, I worked on finishing up my work on #2769, as well as doing work on the Twitch integration by introducing an RSS feed generator, called rss-bridge.

Syntax Highlighting Summary

In the previous post, I mentioned about the work that I had to do for adapting the syntax highlighting. During reviewing, we had this small issue that we couldn't figure out how to solve: import the static CSS stylesheets from the node_modules folder to receive updates more easily, instead of having a copy of the minified files in our project.

After trying out for a while, we decided that we were spending too much time and we were holding the PR for such a small problem that was probably not even worth it. A couple of small fixes later regarding coloring, the PR was merged successfully.🤞🏻


RSS-Bridge is super cool😎🤏. So, newer websites do not offer RSS feeds, and they try to provide their own API, if you want to extract any information programmatically. Twitch is one of these websites. What RSS-Bridge addresses is this exact problem: instead of expecting these websites to offer a RSS feed, we will generate them ourselves. It works so well🤩

Setting up was not hard at all, which was the best part😋. I didn't have to install the source code, I just specified that I wanted to install the image hosted in Docker Hub, and set up some routing to make it work properly. I had to do this with the help of Dave🙌🏻, because I had no idea how to do the routing in Telescope.

We will use this Docker container to get the feeds we want and get the posts we want to display them in Telescope :D

This is what I ended up with:
PR#2788 which was a solution to one of the problems in this issue.

YouTube Sidebar UI design

Meanwhile, this issue: (#2680) did not have a related PR that was addressed, but we did discuss some possible design ideas for this. I will follow up with the team to see what we can do to file a PR later.

React Native Port

I haven't followed up that much regarding this area, so I would need to ask our community and skim through the filed issues and PRs to know the overall status.

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