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Cover image for Idaesbasic - An all in one project manager
Ben Herbst
Ben Herbst

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Idaesbasic - An all in one project manager

What is idaesbasic? πŸ‘‹

There is a brand new project manager avaible, that runs offline, stores everything human readable and is open source. It's build with javafx and is called Idaesbasic, currently in beta version.

Github πŸ†“

The Github repo of it is

Image description

What does it support / what will it support πŸ”¨

It currently supports kanbans, calendars and todolists, and will support pomodoro timer, time tracking, news, emails, office, video calls, whiteboards and lot more things!

How is it build? 😎

It's build with javafx, java and kotlin. You can download it as jar file, .exe, .deb or source code.
Image description

Build with ❀️ - Idaesbasic!

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