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Bernard K
Bernard K

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Revolutionize Your Code: Oxlint Launches as a Blazing-Fast Rust-Powered Alternative to ESLint

Oxlint Reaches General Availability: A Faster Alternative to ESLint

As a developer, you're always looking for tools that can streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity. Oxlint, a new code linter written in Rust, now offers a compelling alternative to ESLint, boasting performance improvements of 50-100 times faster. In this guide, you'll learn how to integrate Oxlint into your development process, taking advantage of its speed and efficiency.

Understanding Oxlint

Oxlint is a static code analysis tool designed to improve your code quality by detecting errors and enforcing code style rules. Unlike ESLint, which is written in JavaScript, Oxlint is developed in Rust, a language known for its performance and safety. This difference in core technology is what gives Oxlint its significant speed advantage.

Key Features of Oxlint

  • Performance: Processes code at speeds 50-100x faster than ESLint.
  • Safety: Rust's memory safety guarantees eliminate certain classes of bugs.
  • Compatibility: Works with most configurations and plugins designed for ESLint.

Installing Oxlint

Before you can utilize Oxlint, you need to install it. Make sure you have Rust installed on your system; if not, you can install it using rustup.

# Install Rust using rustup (skip if already installed)
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
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Once Rust is installed, you can install Oxlint using the cargo command:

# Install Oxlint
cargo install oxlint
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Configuring Oxlint

Migrating from ESLint

If you are migrating from ESLint, you'll likely want to use your existing configuration files. Oxlint is designed to be as compatible as possible with ESLint's configurations.

# Migrate your .eslintrc.json to Oxlint's configuration format
oxlint --migrate-config .eslintrc.json > .oxlintrc
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Setting Up a New Project

For new projects, you can create a default configuration file:

# Create a default configuration file for Oxlint
oxlint --init
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Edit the .oxlintrc file to define the rules and settings you want Oxlint to enforce in your project.

Running Oxlint

With Oxlint installed and configured, you can now run it against your codebase.

# Analyze your project with Oxlint
oxlint ./src
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You can also integrate Oxlint into your build scripts or continuous integration (CI) pipelines for automated code quality checks.

Understanding the Results

After running Oxlint, you'll receive a report detailing any issues found in the code. The output format is similar to ESLint, making it easy to interpret the results:

  • Errors: Issues that are likely to lead to bugs.
  • Warnings: Issues that may not cause bugs but indicate potential improvements.
# Example output
src/main.js: line 10, col 15, Error - 'myVar' is defined but never used.
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Integrating with Your Editor

For an even smoother workflow, integrate Oxlint with your favorite code editor. Many popular editors support linter integration, which allows you to see linting feedback in real-time as you code.

Check your editor's documentation for details on integrating external linting tools like Oxlint.


By following this guide, you've learned how to install, configure, and run Oxlint, a lightning-fast alternative to ESLint. You've also seen how to interpret its output and integrate it with your development environment. The performance gains and compatibility with ESLint configurations make Oxlint a powerful tool in a developer's arsenal.

For further exploration, delve into the advanced configuration options of Oxlint, contribute to its development, or create custom rules to enforce your team's specific coding standards.

Oxlint represents not just a performance upgrade, but also the growing trend of leveraging Rust's capabilities to create more efficient developer tools. As you continue to use Oxlint, you'll contribute to a more performant and robust JavaScript ecosystem.

Top comments (1)

sysmat profile image

could not find oxlint in registry crates-io with version *