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How to Stay and Grow in Tech (especially if you're a minority)

Rizèl Scarlett on December 02, 2024

The de-evolution of "breaking into tech" "Break into tech" started as a well-intentioned movement to democratize the software engineerin...
miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

I think tech workspaces can generally be over competitive, passive agressive unpleasantness for everyone. I can only imagine how much more toxic that can get for those from a minority. I really hope that those individuals trailblazing and managing to survive can cause these cultures to change by their presence - every performant team I've been in has demonstrated kindness, support and fairness to some level, I think output in a thinking profession is never optimised by bullying or over bearing attitudes.

_ndeyefatoudiop profile image
Ndeye Fatou Diop

Very interesting perspective.

I am also a black woman in tech. Interesting ly, I only felt weird when I started hearing about bad stats/biases related to black women.

For example, I was afraid to speak up for a long time so I wouldn’t be tagged as an angry black woman.

But as a kid, these never crossed my mind.

Looking back at it now as a senior frontend engineer at Palantir, I realise some of the narratives we hear hurt us.

Even if some of it can be true, it is very unproductive to walk around thinking the world is against you.

Curious what you think?

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

Of course, as kids none of this would cross our minds. I was never scared to be labeled as angry until someone called me that. It’s the reality we often live in. I think it’s important to maintain a healthy balance of awareness but not make that the main focus of my life.

lymah profile image

Thank you so much for sharing this epic!

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

🙏🏿 thank you and i know it’s super long 😅

lotfijb profile image
Lotfi Jebali

Wow, very interesting and insightful

clericcoder profile image
Abdulsalaam Noibi

Thanks for sharing, I really learned a lot 😊

kiran_baliga profile image
Kiran Baliga

Thank you so much for sharing this! 💫✨

josetaylor06 profile image
JT Taylor

Learning in public is by far one of the easiest career hacks but most difficult due to a fear of vulnerability.

I'm grateful you added this to the article because posting projects and learning objectives can really help career growth as it did mine.

I'll be sharing this article, very well written and thought out.

perisicnikola37 profile image
Nikola Perišić

How did you embedded this series part at the beginning?

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

Just saw your question . This will show you how to create a series. The embed will show up if 2 or more articles are part of the series

perisicnikola37 profile image
Nikola Perišić
adam-irp profile image
Adam Allison

I want to know how to put my research and work out there in the tech industry and get public attraction

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

My approach has been to write and share it on social media. And I have to be patient