DEV Community

Nidhin BM
Nidhin BM

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Part 2: What Happens when you type kubectl command? - create package

Entry point of kubectl create package is

  • CreateOptions is the commandline options for 'create' sub command
  • NewCreateOptions returns an initialized CreateOptions instance
  • NewCmdCreate returns new initialized instance of create sub command
  • Under this following sub commands are available
Available Commands:
  clusterrole           Create a cluster role
  clusterrolebinding    Create a cluster role binding for a particular cluster role
  configmap             Create a config map from a local file, directory or literal value
  cronjob               Create a cron job with the specified name
  deployment            Create a deployment with the specified name
  ingress               Create an ingress with the specified name
  job                   Create a job with the specified name
  namespace             Create a namespace with the specified name
  poddisruptionbudget   Create a pod disruption budget with the specified name
  priorityclass         Create a priority class with the specified name
  quota                 Create a quota with the specified name
  role                  Create a role with single rule
  rolebinding           Create a role binding for a particular role or cluster role
  secret                Create a secret using a specified subcommand
  service               Create a service using a specified subcommand
  serviceaccount        Create a service account with the specified name
  token                 Request a service account token
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