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Yagyesh Bobde
Yagyesh Bobde

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Drizzle Vs Prisma

Drizzle and Prisma are both modern Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries for JavaScript/TypeScript, designed to simplify database interactions in web applications. However, they have distinct approaches and features:


  • Focuses on performance, aiming to be the fastest ORM for JavaScript/TypeScript
  • Uses a "data-mapper" pattern, which means it maps database results directly to JavaScript objects
  • Supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Server
  • Emphasizes a fluent, type-safe API for building queries
  • Has a smaller feature set compared to Prisma, but excels in performance and simplicity


  • Provides a more comprehensive set of features, including migrations, relationships, and advanced querying capabilities
  • Uses a "query builder" pattern, which means it generates SQL queries based on the provided schema
  • Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and MongoDB (with limitations)
  • Offers a powerful type-safe API, as well as a GraphQL API for querying data
  • Includes features like data validation, automatic database migrations, and support for advanced database features like views and stored procedures

Both Drizzle and Prisma offer type-safety and aim to improve developer productivity when working with databases in JavaScript/TypeScript projects. The choice between them often depends on the project's specific requirements, such as performance needs, database support, and the desired feature set.

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