DEV Community

Boris Shulyak
Boris Shulyak

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AI Git Commits

Git commits are an essential part of the software development process. They provide a way to track the project's progress, collaborate with team members, and maintain a codebase history. Git commits help to ensure the codebase is stable and easily maintained and updated over time. ✨

The importance of git commits is hard to overestimate. Whatever it was, everyone in their practice probably met with bad commit messages. What causes this? 🤔

  • The time spent on writing them can cause laziness among developers. 😴
  • Developers don't see much point in it for themselves. 🤷‍♂️
  • Developers do not know the best practices for writing commit messages. 📚

How to deal with this situation? Do we need to spend time teaching specialists the usual things? How to keep the git history, git commit messages consistent?

There is a way out! 🚀

Shift this work onto AI shoulders

Have you ever dreamed that someone would write a message commit for you?

Now it is available. Start using an opencommit API. 🤖


  • Auto-generate meaningful commits in 1 second using CLI. ⚡️
  • Available as a GitHub Action which automatically improves all new commit messages when you push to remote. 🔄
  • Chat-GPT 4 🤖

What about the time difference ⏰

As an experiment, I have made a small change in one method of my code base.

  • The time I have spent on manual writing commit message was 1.5m.
  • The time I have spent on writing the same commit message using opencommit API was 0.2m.

Everyone could calculate the time difference on his own. Try to calculate the time economy on git commit messages per month for your team! ⏳💰

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