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How Game Dev and Betting on Myself Altered My Career Path Forever

Bradston Henry on August 05, 2021

It was February 15th, 2013 and there was no turning back. It had been a year and half since I took my first real job after graduating from colleg...
thefinch profile image

Hey Bradston,

I admire your vision and the obviously immense amount of effort you've put forth so far. I'm honestly pretty jealous that you went to GDC too. Anyway, I'm currently working with a few people to build a game development cooperative and I think you might be a good fit. If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you the Discord link as well as answer any questions you may have.


bradstondev profile image
Bradston Henry

Thanks so much Finch for extending the offer to join your collective. At the moment, I don't think I have the capacity to join in but is there any way I can help support y'alls effort outside of development?

thefinch profile image

Oh yes definitely! You can spread the word and help us find more programmers, artists, project managers, marketers, and social media managers. We've got plenty of roles to fill and plenty of work to do get this off the ground. If anyone is interested, they can find us on our Discord server

josef profile image
Josef Aidt

👏 awesome read! I knew that IBM wall looked familiar! Out of curiosity, what was the startup in Baton Rouge you went to?

bradstondev profile image
Bradston Henry

Thanks Josef! I appreciate you checking out my story.

yea, that IBM logo is oh so familiar to those at the BR center. haha

And I was actually at the company called Truce Software (formerly Cellcontrol). I worked on their main mobile app to that helped prevent distracted driving.

josef profile image
Josef Aidt • Edited

Absolutely, it's refreshing to read about your success from IBM BR! And I had not heard of that company before but that's really cool, and their office is not too far from me. Small world!

incrementis profile image
Akin C.

Hello Bradston Henry,

thanks for your article.
I enjoyed reading part of your life :).
I think more positive stories like yours are needed because people struggle so hard and sometimes there is no need to give people a hard time.

That brings me to this sentence of yours that I like very much:
"To never let the world or society convince you that you can't accomplish those things. To bet on yourself, to work hard, and do the best that *You can do."

bradstondev profile image
Bradston Henry

Hey Akin! It was a joy sharing my story and I really appreciate you reading it!

I'm happy I could share something positive. In the midst of my journey, sometimes it felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel but the words of others and of those ahead of me, helped me to continue to have the faith to keep moving.

What you just shared reminds me of what a mentor said to me right before I left for Baton Rouge on my journey.

He said,

"I know you want to be successful and do what others have done before you, but are you willing to go through what they went through to get there!"

Those words have always stuck with me. That nobody's journey to success is easy. Everyone has to struggle!

And if they made it, We can make it too!!!

powersparkgames profile image
Andrew Myers

Hey Bradston! I found your story very inspirational! I can relate ( except I'm stuck at the part where I had to go back and get a "job" after I made an unprofitable game on Google play)

But if you made it, that gives me some hope!

Thanks for sharing your awesome journey!

bradstondev profile image
Bradston Henry

Thanks Andrew! I'm super pumped this has been inspirational!

You got this bro! For sure!

For me the hardest part has been always the wait. Waiting for some thing to change. Waiting for the next opportunity to arise. Waiting for me to find some inspiration or motivation!

But know the wait will produce resilience and if you don't give up and focus on growing. And when an opportunity comes one day, you'll CRUSH IT!

You got this! 💪

aaduserr profile image

It's great when you've decided who you want to be in life and who you want to work with. Self-determination and self-realization are very important to me. Unfortunately, I'm still in the process of finding myself. In order not to be without money, I work at different jobs, and in my free time I also place bets on sports at, because it is a popular bookmaker. Does this make me money? Yes, and that's cool. But I still hope to find my way.

tarynmcmillan profile image
Taryn McMillan

Thanks for sharing your story! It's super inspirational. I've been doing game dev since I started learning Unity last year and I love it. :)

bradstondev profile image
Bradston Henry

I absolutely love it too! It's honestly the best! It has made me not only into a better developer but honestly into an overall more creative person!

No matter where this life takes me, I don't think I'll ever stop developing games! 😁

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