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Cover image for Wordle Clone
Brent Dalling
Brent Dalling

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Wordle Clone

I got bored during a non-work meeting last night and decided to build something fun. I don't know how I settled on ripping off wordle. But, here we are. Take a look and have some fun. You can copy it and add your own words if you want.

Feel free to comment any suggestions or criticisms.

Top comments (3)

codeystein profile image

not me scrolling through the code to see the answer

chiragagg5k profile image
Chirag Aggarwal

Nice. I also want to be at the stage of my career where i just make games because i am bored during a meeting.

Anyway first suggestion would be to show what the correct answer was. I am still unsure what the correct answer was. Probably grape

Image description

brentdalling profile image
Brent Dalling

I agree. This is now where near done. There are improvements that can be made throughout the example. Including a pass to refactor and reduce complexity. I posted this as is after my meeting. I wanted people to see what I did during the meeting because I thought it was pretty fun. Finishing this and then claiming I did it during the meeting would be dishonest and I didn't like that idea.

next up (If I want to finish it):

  1. display correct answer
  2. use word API so that people can't see the correct answer
  3. show used letters in the keyboard and their status
  4. create "completed" screen that shows their status and prompts them to share
  5. add some of my own spin to the game

Thanks for commenting!