Hi All,
I would like to add several lines to the output of my script. Currently, the script behaves as outlined in the README.md file here. But the behavior I want to change it to is below:
./sample.sh -s 0-9 -c 0-3 -t samples.bin
Ch0 Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
Sample 0: 0x1a03 0x1a03 0x4a03 0x5703
Sample 1: 0x4b03 0x4403 0x1e03 0x0904
Sample 2: 0x1003 0x1903 0x4003 0xae03
Sample 3: 0x1e03 0x2603 0x3303 0xad03
Sample 4: 0x1003 0x8403 0x4303 0x6203
Sample 5: 0xe003 0x1603 0x3403 0xc403
Sample 6: 0xf802 0x3b03 0x5303 0x6103
Sample 7: 0x1003 0x1503 0x4203 0x5803
Sample 8: 0x2303 0x1f03 0x5703 0x6203
Sample 9: 0x1703 0x7303 0x3103 0x3303
Total Samples in Record: 374371
Total Samples Processed: 10
and here:
./sample.sh -r samples.bin
Total Samples in Record: 374371
and here:
./sample.sh -t samples.bin
Total Samples in Record: 374371
Total Samples Processed: 374371
The script works as expected, I just want the argument -r to replace -t and passing -t after -s and -c, should produce the total number of samples processed along with the total number of samples in the input file. I should still be able to pass -t to sample.sh, but in this case, it will count the number of samples in the file and tell us the total number of samples processed. The script is here. If you want you can clone the project and then do a pull request, and if the solution works, I'll approve it.
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