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Bridget Amana
Bridget Amana

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React vs. Angular: A Deep Dive into the Popular Frontend Technologies

I recently researched the skills companies look for when hiring a frontend developer, and after surveying 40 job descriptions, React topped the list, closely followed by Angular. Already proficient in React, I began learning Angular to broaden my skill set and increase my chances in the job market. After a month, here’s what I’ve noticed.

React is The People's Favorite

React, developed by Facebook, is a JavaScript library that has taken the frontend world by storm. Why is React so beloved? For starters, its component-based architecture lets developers build reusable pieces of UI, making the development process not just efficient, but also easy. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned coder, React’s straightforward approach makes it easy to pick up and run with.

Angular: The Robust Framework

Angular, crafted by Google, is a powerhouse framework that comes packed with everything you need to build large-scale applications. Angular’s two-way data binding keeps your data and UI in perfect sync, reducing the manual work and potential for errors. It’s comprehensive nature means you don’t need to hunt down external libraries – it’s all there, integrated and ready to go. This makes it ideal for building complex, enterprise-level applications.

Key Differences Between React and Angular

Learning Curve:

  • React: Easier for beginners, with a simpler and more flexible approach.
  • Angular: Steeper learning curve but offers a more integrated solution for large-scale applications.


  • React: Excels in dynamic applications with its virtual DOM.
  • Angular: Optimized performance despite potential overhead from two-way data binding.


  • React: A vast ecosystem requiring external libraries for certain functionalities.
  • Angular: A complete, integrated solution with less reliance on external libraries.

My Experience and Looking Ahead

Learning Angular has been a rewarding experience. It has broadened my perspective on frontend development and equipped me with new tools and techniques. While React remains my go-to for its simplicity and flexibility, Angular’s comprehensive nature and built-in features make it a powerful alternative for larger projects. Choosing which one to learn is no longer a matter of personal preference but by industry demand. By mastering both, you can enhance your versatility as a frontend developer and open up more opportunities in the job market.

PS: Writing this article is the Stage 0 task for the HNG Internship. The HNG Internship is an intensive program designed to accelerate participants' growth. It involves real-world tasks, mentorship, and a collaborative environment, helping interns develop practical skills and build a strong portfolio. For anyone looking to enhance their frontend development skills and build a strong portfolio check out HNG internship HNG tech hire

Thank you for reading. You can connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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