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EFS with other AWS services

Let's see how EFS works with different AWS services. this is how an example EFS workflow would look like:

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We can create Amazon EFS using EC2 wizard, EFS console CLI(Command line interface) or the API. We can select the various parameters like performance and throughput modes. We can then mount the file system on EC2 instance, containers, lambda functions and on premises based on our requirement. After the system is mounted we will test and optimize performance for workloads we can leverage tools like Data Sync(Data Synchronization) or SFTP(SSH File Transfer Protocol) using AWS transfer family and move the data to Amazon EFS. After the movement of data is complete, we can share the data then optimize cost with EFS lifecycle management and protect the same using backup and EFS replication.

There are some of the example services where you can integrate EFS with. These are:

  • Elastic computing cloud (EC2)

  • Elastic container service (ECS)

  • Elastic kubernetes services (EKS)

  • AWS Fargate

  • Amazon SageMaker and

  • AWS Lambda

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