DEV Community

Brock Caldwell
Brock Caldwell

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React Journey - My First Project (pt. 1)

Hello, World!

I've recently begun dabbling in React and thought I'd document my journey with you guys.

I'm sure most of you can relate to wanting to learn a new language, framework, design pattern, etc., but not having a useful sample project to work on. My solution to this was coming up with a small blog project that will be iteratively improved on as I learn more about the framework.

I've outlined 3 different versions of the blog application, with each version either adding a new feature, or improving an existing feature.


  • Base React App
  • Load blog posts from static JSON file
  • Render a feed of posts
  • Dockerize and deploy to Dokku server


  • Implement React Router
  • Create a blog post page that renders contents of single post


  • Load data from external source ( feed)

By the end of this project I should have a decent understanding of creating a basic React application. Follow along and see my progress as I create more posts!

View v1.1:

Top comments (2)

ellaidevs profile image

Love your approach to build the project with version by version method.

I usually run across problems to finish up the projects that I've started. With this way, I think I will be more satisfied completing the project phase by phase.

brockcaldwell profile image
Brock Caldwell

Hey, thanks Ellai! I actually completed these versions much faster than I thought I would. Instead of pulling data from my feed, I ended up spinning up a Strapi CMS instance and have been submitting content there. Going this route will allow me more flexibility in the data-types that I can work with.

I've also started dabbling in React Native and am currently working on creating a mobile feed of my data.