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Multi Filter Column in Vuetify Data Table

Bruno Panassi on April 24, 2021

I know that there is a solution for this if you see the documentation for custom filter in data table, but i tried and for some reason it didn’t wo...
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brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi • Edited


Sorry, which autocomplete component are you talking about? I can't find it.

And there is a "autofocus" in the autocomplete docs, you can find here:

Hope that can help you.

inane profile image

Yes, but that prop is not working with the code of this tutorial 🤔

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brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi

But there is not a autocomplete component in the code, or at least, i can't find it, aren't you trying to add a focus on the v-text-field?

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inane profile image

Yes, sorry for the gap. Exactly, I would like to add focus to this text field component.

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brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi

I added the prop :autofocus = "true" on each text-field and updated the CodePen, see here:

rithyskun_18 profile image
Rithy SKUN

I am looking for multi filter with v-data-table of Vuetify too, Thank @brunopanassi
I also modified the code according to my project and you could check out here:

FYI, @vvenkataratnam

inane profile image

Is it possible to add "autofocus" to that autocomplete component?

I have tried this tutorial but it appears blocked in the console and it is not working.

rithyskun_18 profile image
Rithy SKUN

You may consider about auto-select-first(When searching, will always highlight the first option) as I had updated coded:

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brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi


brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi


vvenkataratnam profile image
Venkata Ratnam Vemula

Thanks @rithyskun_18 . That helps to write generalize the filters.

jayantamgr profile image

Hi @brunopanassi and all,

This article was very helpful
I managed to generalize all the columns dynamically for my project. But my client does not want the button to bring the text field popped up to insert query. So I removed it. Now problem is whenever you click any of the text field, that column is also getting sorted either way. Do you know any solution ? A miniature example is in the codepen, try to click on the text field and you will see what i mean.

Many thanks in advance

jayantamgr profile image
jayantamgr • Edited

got the answer from stack overflow, code pen updated,

added, click.stop at div inside template,

here is the link from stackoverflow:

Thanks a lot guys anyways

brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi

Hi @jayantamgr

Sorry for not helping you earlier, i am very busy at work.

Anyway, congrats that you have finded a way for your solution!

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jayantamgr profile image

Hi Bruno, thanks for responding, I hope my solution posted here will help others as well ... I hope that we keeep in touch in this medium in future as well.


chlo_boucher_2670d05d9ed profile image
Chloé Boucher

I'm a beginner and I was wondering, In the "filterDessertName" function, where does the parameter "item" comes from ? I have that a lot in my javascript code but I never understood where it came from and also, how to add other parameters to these kind of functions without skipping the first invisible one when we call it ? Can someone help ?

brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi

Hi Chloé, maybe i can help you.

The parameter "item" will be used in the line 142 , on the command "return condition(dessert)", in this case "dessert" is the item, because "conditions" its an array of boolean functions, and will return "true" or "false" to the "conditions.every" on line 141.

So will not be an invisible parameter, because in the "return condition(dessert)", "condition" can be one of the filter methods, like "filterCalories" and "dessert" its the "item". You can add a second parameter on the method like "index" if you pass a value inside the "conditions.every", for example:

return this.desserts.filter((dessert) => {
    return conditions.every((condition, index) => {
        return condition(dessert, index);

filterCalories(item, index) {
    return item.calories.toString().includes(this.calories) && item.indexOf(index)
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chlo_boucher_2670d05d9ed profile image
Chloé Boucher

Thank you very much! And thank you for your code btw! Is there a way to avoid repetitions if we want to add a filter to 6 columns for example ? I mean having only one filter method and also only one template in the html instead of 6 ?

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brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi

This was exactly what i thought when i make this code, but i did not have time to think in a solution for this, but im almost sure that there is a solution for this, unfortunately by now i dont have a solution :(

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chlo_boucher_2670d05d9ed profile image
Chloé Boucher

Hey thanks anyway! I just worked on it and found a solution for the methods :) Probably not the best but it's working and it's shorter! How can I share it here in the comments like you did ? I'm new to this website

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brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi

If you want to share only the part of JS, you can type here in comments, otherwise if you want to show the full project you can upload it on the CodePen and share the link here :)

stephan_b_84a97ff54308bef profile image
Stephan B

Actually a great article. But it took me very long to figure out that the click on the filter button does not work because the v-slot:activator code is outdated.

It needs to be changed to

<template v-slot:activator="{ props }">
<v-btn icon v-bind="props">

serenast14 profile image

Hi, first of all thank you for sharing this tutorial! However I do have a question. I already followed the tutorial but I am getting an error message that says

'conditions' is not defined

Do you know what does this mean? Thank you so much.

brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi

Hi there,

In the computed method filteredDesserts did you declare the conditions variable?

in the CodePen example, it's in the line 125 of the JS file.

vvenkataratnam profile image
Venkata Ratnam Vemula

Hi, Thanks for sharing the multi filters on vuetify data table. Is there a way to generalize these filters, instead of writing filter for each column?

brunopanassi profile image
Bruno Panassi

Sorry for not answering sooner, good that you make it with the help of @rithyskun_18 !