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Designing a Resilient OpenStack Disaster Recovery Program

In the complex world of OpenStack clusters, disasters can strike in various forms, ranging from the failure of a single node to a complete site outage. While built-in redundancy measures are essential for maintaining the resilience of production-scale OpenStack environments, the effectiveness of the recovery process largely depends on careful planning and a well-defined approach. This article delves into the core concepts and best practices surrounding the design of control and data plane redundancy, the creation of robust backup strategies for critical data and configurations, and the often-overlooked aspects of a successful OpenStack disaster recovery program, including well-defined processes and properly trained personnel.

Understanding Disaster Scenarios and Their Potential Risks

OpenStack environments are susceptible to a wide array of disaster scenarios, each presenting unique challenges and potential risks to the system's stability and performance. By gaining a thorough understanding of these scenarios, organizations can better prepare for and mitigate the impact of such events on their OpenStack clusters. Some of the most common disaster scenarios include:

Service Failures

Service failures are often attributed to software issues, operating system bugs, or failed OpenStack upgrades. These failures can affect critical overcloud services such as Cinder, Nova, Database, and Keystone. The impact on instances varies depending on the affected service, with potential consequences ranging from deployment failures to service interruptions.

Controller Failures

Hardware failures can lead to the complete outage of a controller node, whether virtual or physical. While controller node failures may not directly impact running instances and their data plane traffic, they can disrupt administrative tasks performed through the OpenStack agent. Additionally, the loss of the database hosted on the failed controller can result in the permanent loss of instance or service information.

Compute Node Failures

Compute node failures are the most prevalent issue in OpenStack clouds, often caused by disk issues or other hardware failures. The primary risk associated with compute node failures is the potential loss of instances and their disk data if they are using local storage.

Network Failures

Network failures can stem from various sources, including faulty SFP connectors, cables, NIC issues, and switch failures. These failures can impact both the data and control planes. Data-plane NIC failures directly affect the instances using those NICs, while control-plane network failures can disrupt pending tasks such as reboots, migrations, and evacuations.

Instance Failures

OpenStack instances, whether standalone or part of an application node, are prone to failures caused by human errors, host disk failures, power outages, and other issues. Instance failures can result in data loss, VM downtime, and instance deletion, often requiring redeployment of the affected instance or the entire stack.

By recognizing and preparing for these potential disaster scenarios, organizations can develop comprehensive disaster recovery strategies that minimize the impact of such events on their OpenStack environments, ensuring greater system resilience and minimizing downtime.

Ensuring Controller Redundancy in OpenStack

One of the fundamental design considerations in OpenStack is the implementation of a cluster with multiple controllers. A minimum of three controllers is typically deployed to maintain quorum and ensure system consistency in the event of a single server failure. By distributing services across multiple controllers, organizations can enhance the resilience and fault tolerance of their OpenStack environment.

Controller Deployment Strategies

There are several standard practices for managing controller redundancy in OpenStack:

  • Bare Metal with Containerized Services: In this approach, each service is hosted in a container on separate bare metal servers. For example, the nova-scheduler service might run on one server, while the keystone service runs on another. This strategy provides isolation between services, potentially enhancing security and simplifying troubleshooting.

  • Replicated Control Plane Services: All control plane services are hosted together on each of the three or more servers. This replication of services across multiple servers simplifies deployment and management, as each server can be treated as a self-contained unit. In the event of a server failure, the remaining servers in the cluster continue to provide the necessary services, ensuring minimal disruption.

  • Kubernetes-Managed Containerized Workloads: Kubernetes can be used to manage the OpenStack control plane services as containerized workloads. This approach enables easier scaling of individual services based on demand while offering self-healing mechanisms to automatically recover from failures.

Load Balancing and High Availability

To ensure high availability and distribute traffic among controller nodes, load balancers such as HAProxy or NGINX are commonly used for most OpenStack web services. In addition, tools like Pacemaker can be employed to provide powerful features such as load balancing among nodes, migrating services in case of failures, and ensuring redundancy for the control plane services.

Database and Message Queue Redundancy

Special consideration must be given to mission-critical services like databases and message queues to ensure high availability. For databases, a Galera cluster can be used to provide multi-read/write capabilities, while the message queue can be configured in a distributed mode for redundancy. Regular database backups should be maintained and transferred to multiple locations outside the cluster for emergency cases.

Controller Redeployment and Backup Strategies

To facilitate rapid redeployment of controllers in the event of a disaster, organizations should maintain backups of the base images used to deploy the controllers. These images should include the necessary packages and libraries for the basic functionality of the controllers. Additionally, periodic snapshots of the controllers should be taken and transferred to safe locations to enable quick recovery without losing critical information or spending excessive time restoring backups.

By implementing robust controller redundancy strategies, organizations can significantly enhance the resilience and fault tolerance of their OpenStack environments, minimizing the impact of controller failures and ensuring the smooth operation of their cloud infrastructure.

Achieving Compute Node Redundancy in OpenStack

Compute nodes are the workhorses of an OpenStack environment, hosting the instances that run various applications and services. To ensure the resilience and availability of these instances, it is crucial to design compute node redundancy strategies that can effectively handle failures and minimize downtime.

Capacity Planning and Spare Nodes

When designing compute node redundancy, it is essential to consider the capacity of the overcloud compute nodes and the criticality of the instances running on them. As a best practice, always maintain at least one spare compute node to accommodate the evacuation of instances from a failed node. If multiple compute node groups have different capabilities, such as CPU architectures, SR-IOV, or DPDK, the redundancy design must be more granular to address the specific requirements of each component.

Host Aggregates and Availability Zones

To effectively manage compute node redundancy, subdivide your nodes into multiple host aggregates and assign one or more spare compute nodes with the same capabilities and resources to each aggregate. These spare nodes must be kept free of load to ensure they can accommodate instances from a failed compute node. Additionally, map Availability Zones (AZs) to these host aggregates, allowing users to select where their instances are deployed based on their requirements. If a compute node fails within an AZ, the instances can be seamlessly evacuated to the spare node(s) within the same AZ, minimizing disruption and maintaining service continuity.

Fencing Mechanism and Instance High-Availability Policies

For mission-critical deployed services that cannot tolerate any downtime due to compute node failures, implementing fencing mechanisms and instance high-availability (HA) policies can further mitigate the impact of such failures. By defining specific HA policies for instances, you can determine the actions to be taken if the underlying host goes down. For instances that cannot tolerate downtime, the applicable HA policy is "ha-offline," which triggers the evacuation of the instance to another compute node (the spare node). To enable this functionality, the fencing agent must be enabled in Nova.

Monitoring and Automated Recovery

Continuously monitor the health and status of compute nodes to quickly detect and respond to failures. Implement automated recovery mechanisms that can trigger the evacuation of instances from a failed node to a spare node based on predefined policies and thresholds. This automation ensures rapid recovery and minimizes the need for manual intervention, reducing the overall impact of compute node failures on the OpenStack environment.

By implementing a well-designed compute node redundancy strategy, organizations can significantly enhance the resilience and availability of their OpenStack instances, minimizing downtime and ensuring the smooth operation of their cloud-based applications and services.


Designing a robust and resilient OpenStack environment requires careful consideration of various disaster scenarios and the implementation of appropriate redundancy measures. By understanding the potential risks associated with service failures, controller failures, compute node failures, network failures, and instance failures, organizations can develop comprehensive strategies to mitigate the impact of these events on their cloud infrastructure.

Implementing controller redundancy through the use of multiple controllers, load balancers, and high-availability tools ensures that the control plane remains functional even in the face of hardware or software failures. Compute node redundancy, achieved through capacity planning, host aggregates, availability zones, and instance high-availability policies, minimizes the impact of compute node failures on running instances and ensures service continuity.

In addition to technical solutions, a successful disaster recovery program must also encompass well-defined processes and properly trained personnel. Regular backups of critical data and configurations, coupled with automated recovery mechanisms and clear documentation, enable organizations to quickly and efficiently respond to disaster scenarios and minimize downtime.

By adopting these best practices and core concepts, organizations can build highly resilient and fault-tolerant OpenStack environments that can withstand various disaster scenarios. This resilience ensures the smooth operation of cloud-based applications and services, ultimately providing a reliable and seamless experience for end-users.

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