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Everistus Olumese
Everistus Olumese

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I Walked 16.5 Kilometers (10.25 miles) Today: Embracing Wholeness at BenchSci


Hey there, readers! In a world where professional pursuits often overshadow personal passions, BenchSci emerges as a breath of fresh air—a workplace celebrating authenticity. In this series, we journey through BenchSci's vibrant culture. Let's dive into it.

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BenchSci's Diversity Mosaic as a Bridge to Connection

Imagine a workspace where your job title doesn't define you. BenchSci's reality goes beyond talk. Slack channels aren't just digital spaces; they're vibrant communities fostering connections, nurturing shared interests, and creating bonds beyond deadlines.

Slack Channels: Where Unity Flourishes - Beyond the Everyday:

Let's chat about Slack channels that are windows into unique lives. Think "Parents and Caregivers," "Pets/Zoo," "Motorcycle," "Mental Health," and "DIY." These aren't just discussions; they're snapshots of colleagues' dimensions. Parents juggle families and careers. Pet lovers introduce furry companions. "Motorcycle" enthusiasts ride virtually, "DIY" aficionados craft.

From Fitness to Transformation: The Exercise Channel (Embracing Change, Step by Step)

Among diverse interests, one channel stands out—the "Exercise" channel. BenchSci's community takes on fitness challenges, shattering boundaries. The BenchSci Strava group turns individual journeys into a shared adventure, uniting colleagues for physical well-being. Colleagues like Wai Chung Hon, P.Eng., CSM, Sean Kennedy, Christopher Guest and many others continue to motivate you because they bring their whole selves to work.

Power of Shared Goals - Championing Unity

In a world where routines dominate, the Strava group isn't just about fitness but unity. Colleagues sync steps, and BenchSci's culture amplifies togetherness. A shared challenge evolves into a movement, urging us to embrace physicality and overcome inertia.

The Symphony of Transformation - Harmony Amidst Diversity:

Imagine a symphony—a blend of notes weaving beauty. BenchSci's culture resonates in every interaction. We're more than titles, passions aren't hobbies, and authenticity isn't a buzzword—it's a necessity.

Revisiting the Past - Footprints in Time

Let's rewind to a time when exercise and vitality were part of everyday life. For me, this was around 2011-2012, a period when I used to cover 30km every second Saturday and lift locally-made weights back in Nigeria. But even then, I felt like the weakest link among friends, struggling to match their accomplishments and eventually succumbing to discouragement.

Weighty Concerns and Inconsistent Efforts (The Battle with Weight Gain)

Fast forward to 2015, and I noticed the pounds creeping in. Despite efforts in diet and exercise, the scale seemed unfazed. I felt like I was stuck in a losing battle, unable to find the consistency required for effective change. This wasn't just about vanity but about reclaiming a sense of vitality and self-worth.

Catalysts for Change - A Gathering Storm

The catalysts for change were varied yet profound. Excessive weight gain, mental health struggles, sleep apnea, and a perpetual lack of energy all collided, forming a storm that demanded action. Colleagues like Wai Chung Hon, P.Eng., CSM, Sean Kennedy, Christopher Guest, and others paved the way, embracing fitness challenges. While they undertook 100 push-ups daily in an April 2023 challenge, I struggled to complete even one.

The Turning Point

April 8, 2023—a date etched in my memory. As the scale read 148.8kg, I realized it was time to seize control of my fitness journey. This was my tipping point, my call to rise above inertia and embrace transformation.

Taking the Reins - Investing in Change

I dabbled in a gym membership but found myself visiting only once. So, I took matters into my own hands. I built a modest home gym—a weight bench, bands of varying intensities, barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells. I discovered that most exercise apps catered to the already fit, leaving me struggling to keep up.

Adapting and Thriving - Finding the Sweet Spot

Morning workouts drained my energy during the workday, leading me to adapt. I shifted to lunchtime walks, blending fitness with work breaks. This shift reinvigorated tasks and balanced my energy levels. I also learnt to take some meetings while walking.

Nurturing the Passion

Days turned into weeks, making evenings and weekends my fitness sanctuaries. Walking unexpectedly emerged as my preferred exercise. Motivation from comments and colleagues' activities on Strava fueled my determination, pushing me to excel.

Blossoming Results - A New Milestone and Physical Changes

Transformation yielded results—I ran 400 meters without stopping. While that might seem short, it was an accomplishment unimaginable in April 2023. I repeated this feat twice during my walk, concluding with an additional 300-meter run. Furthermore, the 16.5km walk I completed today marked the longest journey in over a decade. Today, I weigh 136.9kg, a remarkable drop from 148.8kg. This sustainable weight loss, the lowest since March 2021, signifies tangible progress.

Weight wasn't the only indicator of progress. Better-fitting clothes, newfound energy, and mental clarity add to the list of victories.

Tools of Transformation - Supportive Allies:

This journey was far from solitary. The Apple Watch Series 8 became a reliable ally, tracking my progress. The Apple Health app offered valuable insights, while tools like Strava, Hevy, and MyFitnessPal ensured accountability and enabled me to monitor my journey effectively. My go-to measurement tools remain the Renpho tape measure and the smart weighing scale. The weighing scale doesn't just show you your weight; it gives you other vital data like Body Fat Percentage, Fat-Free Body Weight, Subcutaneous fat, visceral fat etc. needed data to know how you are doing.

Conclusion: Navigating the Personal Landscape - Emerging Victorious

In this post, we've delved into BenchSci's vibrant culture—one thriving on passions. BenchSci isn't just work; it's where individuals paint their authentic selves. Each thread in the tapestry contributes to a diverse whole. As we journey, remember—these connections ignite transformation, blending personal passions with professional aspirations.. It peeled back layers of my journey, revealing a tapestry woven with personal history, motivations, and transformative milestones. It also unveiled the evolution, challenges, and victories of this transformative journey. It's a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of personal well-being. As we navigate this transformation landscape, remember that the journey extends beyond personal narratives. fin.

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