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Cover image for Pocketbase pb_hooks - checking user authentication
Calum Knott
Calum Knott

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Pocketbase pb_hooks - checking user authentication

The documentation for pocketbase is not as clear as it could be about how to check for an authenticated user when using the pb_hooks

It turns out that it is really simple

Docs :

Example :

// main.pb.js
// This is a simple GET route, that is protected
routerAdd("GET", "/private", (c) => {
    const data = { 
        message : "This can only be accessed if you are logged in"
    return c.json(200, data)
    // Adding the $apis.requireAdminOrRecordAuth() argument, ensures the route is protected unless the user is logged in.
}, $apis.requireAdminOrRecordAuth());

// This is a simple GET route, that is public
routerAdd("GET", "/public", (c) => {
    const data = { 
        message : "This can be be accessed by public"
    return c.json(200, data)
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Then simply call the route using the pocketbase

let fetchData = async () => {
    let resp = await pocketBaseClient.pb.send("/private", {
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