DEV Community

Cathy Casey-Richards
Cathy Casey-Richards

Posted on

Where do you get your tech news?

Personally, I pull from a mix of DEV articles, tech-specific podcasts, r/programming, Twitter, and more.

Iā€™m constantly looking for new ways of broadening what Iā€™m exposed to, and so Iā€™m curious! Where do you get your tech news? Are there certain creators you trust more than others? Do you have a specific avenue you choose if you only have time for one?

Top comments (5)

theblackpirate profile image
Raghu Sharma

Follow Youtube ->>>@google developers ->>> you will get new ideas and if you're into web and javascript and I personally like to watch conferences that inspire me from the latest tech.

for tech news I love

adam24 profile image
Adam The Victini

Where is /g/?

fuhrmann profile image
Ricardo Fuhrmann
dihfahsih1 profile image
Mugoya Dihfahsih

Me personally i get verified tech news from

frankfont profile image
Frank Font

Everywhere and everybody.