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Akorede Ogunsola
Akorede Ogunsola

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Exploring New Horizons: Choosing the Right Stack for Web Development in 2024

Hey fellow developers! 👋 I've been on an exciting journey in web development, starting with HTML and CSS and progressing to PHP. Now, I'm considering diving into a new stack to enhance my skills further and explore fresh possibilities.

The question is: What framework or language should I focus on this year? 🚀 I'm looking for something that's easy to learn, understand, and deploy. Additionally, I want to transition away from the JavaScript ecosystem while being able to create web apps with both backend and frontend components.

Here are some factors to consider in my quest for a new stack:

  1. Ease of Learning: As someone who started with PHP, I appreciate a language or framework that is beginner-friendly and has ample resources for learning.

  2. Deployment Simplicity: It's crucial that the chosen stack allows for easy deployment, reducing the complexities often associated with launching web applications.

  3. Full-stack Capabilities: Since I want to work on both backend and frontend, finding a solution that seamlessly integrates these aspects is key.

Now, I'd love to hear your thoughts and recommendations! What stack are you currently enjoying, and why do you find it valuable in 2024? Let's embark on this coding adventure together and explore the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

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