DEV Community

Colin F
Colin F

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Shooting for the cloud


I'm looking to see if I would enjoy working with the Cloud. The Cloud Resume Challenge for AWS seems like a good way to get hands-on experience in the quickest amount of time. How quick that will be, I'm not sure.

This blog is more to detail my process and what I learned as suggested. It's a good idea to log everything anyways. It's fun to look back at the past and to see previous struggles. I'll also try to remember to log how long some tasks take.

I have access to a few resources thankfully. A lot of Udemy courses as well as the book from the author himself. If I get really stuck, I suppose I could take a look, but I feel like I should really use Google and try to find the answer on my own first.

As far as steps, I think I will skip steps 1 through 3 for right now. At least, the full bit. I did take HTML and CSS back in college. I'm not 100% familiar but I'm sure it would not take me long to refresh. I can just put in some lorem ipsum or something as I figure out the actual hosting. Therefore, I will start with Step 4: Static Website.

My goal is to finish this in 2 months. Ideally, I would like to have it done by the end of March. However, I'll only have time to do this after my current job.

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