Turnstile is our smart CAPTCHA alternative. It automatically chooses from a rotating suite of non-intrusive browser challenges based on telemetry and client behavior exhibited during a session.
Less data collection, more privacy, same security
Swap out your existing CAPTCHA in a few minutes
You can take advantage of Turnstile and stop bothering your visitors with a CAPTCHA even without being on the Cloudflare network. While we make it as easy as possible to use our network, we don't want this to be a barrier to improving privacy and user experience.
To switch from a CAPTCHA service, all you need to do is:
- Create a Cloudflare account, navigate to the
tab on the navigation bar, and get a sitekey and secret key. - Copy our JavaScript from the dashboard and paste over your old CAPTCHA JavaScript.
- Update the server-side integration by replacing the old siteverify URL with ours.
source code for demo example:
Top comments (1)
I wanted to use this with Deno Fresh framework, so I created a plugin.
EDIT: shameless self-promotion
I made the plugin MIT and wrote a post about how to use it here: