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Chandrasekar Jayabharathy
Chandrasekar Jayabharathy

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Optimal Resource Utilization - addresses the efficient use of database infrastructure

An in-depth article on advanced CQRS implementation strategies that focus on maximizing scalability and efficiency in a highly available database environment.


Overview of database resource utilization challenges:

Scalability: As applications grow, databases must handle increasing loads without compromising performance. Scaling databases horizontally or vertically while maintaining data consistency and availability is a significant challenge.

Resource utilization: Efficient workload distribution and load balancing are crucial to distribute queries across cluster nodes.

Performance bottlenecks: Inefficient queries, poor indexing strategies, and suboptimal data models can lead to slow response times and high resource consumption, impacting user experience and system efficiency.

Importance of optimization in modern applications

Enhanced user experience: Optimized database performance translates to faster response times and improved application responsiveness, directly impacting user satisfaction and engagement.

Cost efficiency: Efficient resource utilization can significantly reduce infrastructure costs, especially in cloud environments where resources are billed based on usage.

Understanding Database Infrastructure

Types of database systems:
Single Node: Operates on a single machine, handling all data storage and processing tasks.

Multi-Node cluster: Distributes data and processing across multiple machines, working together as a single logical unit. In multi-node clusters, there are primary and secondary nodes. Primary nodes accept both read and write queries, while secondary nodes typically accept only read queries.

CQRS: A Strategy for Efficient Resource Utilization

Introduction to CQRS principles:

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an architectural pattern that separates read and write operations for a data store. This separation allows for the optimization of each operation independently, leading to more efficient resource utilization and improved system performance.

Key Principles of CQRS:

  • Separation of Commands and Queries:
    Commands: Operations that change the state of data (create, update, delete).
    Queries: Operations that read data without modifying it.

  • Different Models for Read and Write:
    Write Model: Optimized for data consistency and business logic.
    Read Model: Optimized for fast querying and reporting.

  • Eventual Consistency:
    The read model may not immediately reflect changes made by commands.
    Synchronization between models occurs asynchronously.

  • Event-Driven Architecture:
    Changes in the write model generate events.
    These events update the read model and can trigger other system actions.

How CQRS contributes to resource optimization:

  • Improved Resource Allocation:
    Targeted Resource Assignment: Computing resources can be allocated more efficiently to read or write operations based on application needs.
    Workload Distribution: Heavy read or write workloads can be distributed across different nodes or services.

  • Enhanced Query Performance:
    Optimized Query Structures: Read models can be structured to match query patterns, reducing complex joins and improving response times.
    Materialized Views: Frequently accessed data can be pre-computed and stored in the read model.

  • Write Optimization:
    Simplified Write Model: The write model can focus on data integrity and business rules without compromise for read performance.
    Efficient Updates: Write operations can be optimized for quick updates without concern for complex read requirements.

  • Asynchronous Processing Benefits:
    Background Processing: Resource-intensive tasks like updating the read model can be performed asynchronously, reducing system load during peak times.
    Improved Responsiveness: Write operations can return quickly, with updates to the read model occurring in the background.


Separating read and write models:

  • Write Model (Command Model):

Focus: Data integrity and business logic
Structure: Normalized data model optimized for write operations
Use a relational database (e.g., PostgreSQL) for ACID compliance
Implement domain entities that encapsulate business rules
Use command handlers to process write operations

@Command(name = "UmbrellaLimitCommand")
public record UmbrellaLimitCommand(Long customerId, BigDecimal limitAmount, BigDecimal utilizedAmount) {
public class UmbrellaLimitCommandHandler {
private final UmbrellaLimitRepository umbrellaLimitRepository;
public UmbrellaLimitCommandHandler(UmbrellaLimitRepository umbrellaLimitRepository) {
this.umbrellaLimitRepository = umbrellaLimitRepository;
public Consumer<UmbrellaLimitCommand> handleSetUmbrellaLimit() {
return command -> {
limit ->,
() ->, command.limitAmount()))

  • Read Model (Query Model):

Focus: Fast and efficient data retrieval
Structure: Denormalized data model optimized for specific query patterns
Use materialized view for flexibility and scalability
Create specialized read models (projections) for different query needs
Implement query handlers to process read operations

@Query(name = "GetUmbrellaLimitQuery")
public record GetUmbrellaLimitQuery(Long customerId) {}
public class UmbrellaLimitQueryHandler {
private final UmbrellaLimitRepository umbrellaLimitRepository;
public UmbrellaLimitQueryHandler(UmbrellaLimitRepository umbrellaLimitRepository) {
this.umbrellaLimitRepository = umbrellaLimitRepository;
public Function<GetUmbrellaLimitQuery, UmbrellaLimitDto> handleGetUmbrellaLimit() {
return query -> {
return umbrellaLimitRepository.findByCustomerId(query.customerId())
.map(limit -> new UmbrellaLimitDto(limit.customerId(), limit.limitAmount(), limit.utilizedAmount()))
.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Umbrella limit not found for customer"));

  • Implementing Database Call Routing

Create DataSourceBean to route to the respective data source beans for read and write.
Implement an AbstractRoutingDataSource to dynamically determine the appropriate data source
Make sure to specify the routingDataSource as the dataSource bean in your entityManagerFactory bean configs.
Use Annotations the @ReadOnly and @WriteOnly annotations to respective read and write call methods so that the calls are routed to the respective datasource beans.

public class RoutingDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RoutingDataSource.class);
private static final ThreadLocal<DataSourceTypeEnum.DbType> contextHolder = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static void setDataSourceType(DataSourceTypeEnum.DbType dataSourceType) {
public static DataSourceTypeEnum.DbType getDataSourceType() {
return contextHolder.get() == null ? DataSourceTypeEnum.DbType.WRITE : contextHolder.get();
public static void clearDataSourceType() {
protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {
return getDataSourceType();
}@Bean(name ="routingDataSource")
public DataSource routingDataSource(@Qualifier("readDataSource") DataSource readDataSource,
@Qualifier("writeDataSource") DataSource writeDataSource) {
Map<Object, Object> targetDataSources = new HashMap<>();
targetDataSources.put(DataSourceTypeEnum.DbType.READ, readDataSource);
targetDataSources.put(DataSourceTypeEnum.DbType.WRITE, writeDataSource);
RoutingDataSource routingDataSource = new RoutingDataSource();
return routingDataSource;
public Optional<Test> getTest(Integer id) throws SQLException
\\ read operation code
public Test saveData(Test test) {
\\ write operation code

  • Optimizing Command and Query Paths:

Command Path Optimization:
Implement command validation and business rules efficiently
Use asynchronous processing for non-critical updates
Implement retry mechanisms for failed commands

public void handleCreateUser(UmbrellaLimitCommand command) {
UmbrellaLimit umbrellaLimit = ulFactory.createUmbrellaLimit(command);(1);
asyncEventPublisher.publishAsync(new UmbrellaLimitCreatedEvent(umbrellaLimit));(2)

(1) - Separation of Concerns: It uses a factory pattern to create the
User object, separating the object creation logic from the command
handling logic. This makes the code more modular and easier to maintain.
(2) - Delegate the audit record creation activity to another thread,
which removes any blocking operations.

Query Path Optimization:
Implement caching mechanisms (e.g., embedded or distributed cache) for frequently accessed data
Use read-optimized data structures (e.g., materialized views)
Implement pagination and filtering for large result sets
Use indexing strategies optimized for common query patterns

public UmbrellaLimitDTO getUmbrellaLimit(String ulId) {
UmbrellaLimitDTO cachedDetails = cache.get(ulId);(1)
if (cachedDetails != null) {
return cachedDetails;
UmbrellaLimitDTO details = readRepository.getUmbrellaLimitById(ulId);(2)
cache.put(ulId, details);(3)
return details;

(1) - Read data from cache.
(2) - If cache miss read it from data store.
(3) - Add it into cache.

  • Event Sourcing and Its Role in Resource Management (Optional):

Principles of Event Sourcing:
Store state changes as a sequence of events
Reconstruct the current state by replaying events
Provide a complete audit trail of all changes

Use an event store to persist all events
Implement event handlers to update the read model
Use snapshots to optimize state reconstruction


Optimal resource utilization in database infrastructure, especially when implementing CQRS, is a dynamic and multifaceted challenge. It requires a deep understanding of your system's requirements, careful planning, and ongoing adjustment. By focusing on these key strategies and maintaining a balanced approach to performance, cost, and scalability, you can create robust, efficient, and adaptable database systems that meet both current needs and future demands.

Remember, the goal is not just to achieve peak performance at any cost, but to create a sustainable, scalable system that delivers value to your users while aligning with your organization's resources and objectives.

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