In this video, we look at the right way to add Tailwind CSS to a Gatsby site. First we install Tailwind CSS and make a button with its utility classes.
During the gatsby build
and gatsby serve
we view the page source to see that all the Tailwind CSS classes have been included, which is very bad!
We add gatsby-plugin-purgecss
to our Gatsby site to remove any CSS that we aren't using, which keeps our final file size small and pretty!
After that's all in place, I explore how we can make a re-useable Button component by passing in Props and Tailwind CSS classes.
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Top comments (7)
Nice article and video! Could you make one to use with styled-components?
you can write the same way the styled component just like this with emotion
import tw, { styled } from "twin.macro"
export const Hero = tw.div
and mixed
export const Title1 = styled.div
text-silver text-center text-4xl font-bold mt-3 mb-3${tw
color: ${(props) => (props.color ? "#e0e2db" : "text-gray-300")};
+1 -- I think most people would get more benefit from this if you used styled-components.
Thanks for this.
Question: is the "sizes" object also being Purged?
I use gatsby-plugin-purgecss to purge all
and in to the tailwind.config.js use this
Great question, I'm actually not sure lol. I'd have to test that out when I get some time. If anyone else knows please enlighten us!