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Cover image for React + Firebase + Stripe = Fireact, the open-source project for your next SaaS product.
Chaoming Li
Chaoming Li

Posted on • Edited on

React + Firebase + Stripe = Fireact, the open-source project for your next SaaS product.

A new version has been released as NPM packages to make the project more flexible and customizable. Please visit

Many SaaS products are moving to React these days, and my own product has been through the same journey this year.

As I started the project, I decided to use Firebase for authentication, hosting and storing data. So I was looking for an existing solution. However, I couldn't find one so I built the first version of Fireact back in May 2020.

But that's not enough. As with most SaaS applications, I needed the feature to collect subscription payment. Now, the project version 2 is released.

Key features are:

  • Single-sign-on supporting Google, Facebook, Microsoft and a wild range of sign-in methods.
  • Stripe integration to manage subscription accounts and payments.
  • Supporting multiple subscription accounts per user
  • User permission management in subscription accounts
  • User permission framework for the development of your SaaS functionalities

Why Fireact

I hope the project can be a good starting point for developers working on SaaS projects. It comes with the features you need to manage users and subscriptions so you don't need to spend time on developing these features again. Just focus on the key functionalities of your SaaS project, it will save you tons of time.


This is the first open-source project I created. If you like the project, please support it by contributing code, documentation, or simply spreading the word.

Here is the Github link:

Here is the demo:
Use testing credit card 4242 4242 4242 4242 to create your testing subscription account.

Any feedback is welcomed.


Top comments (26)

samipshah100 profile image

Thanks looks very good!. Docs would be very helpful too. .

chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

Thanks, the plan is to start writing docs. At the moment, only got the installation doc.

samipshah100 profile image

OK cool. Does this let you manage user subscriptions on your front-end unlike firebase stripe extension (which needs customer to use stripe account to manage subscription)

Thread Thread
chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li • Edited

Yes, account admin/owner can change subscription plan, update credit card and delete/cancel the subscription plan via the front-end. Customers don't even need to know you are using Stripe.

Feel free to login to the live demo and use the testing credit card 4242 4242 4242 4242 to play around the subscription management as the account owner.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Is there a license associated with the project?

chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

MIT license

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank


surjithctly profile image
Surjith S M

Possible to integrate Next.js?

chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

I don't really know Next.js. What would the benefits Next.js can bring in?

mohammedijas profile image
Mohammed Ijas

Using the firebase cloud functions. All the backend code is written as cloud functions.

chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

I found cloud functions are relatively slow compared to the firebase web sdk. I would only use cloud functions only when necessary for security reasons

azeemdev profile image
Azeem Sharif

Hi there , do we need to have a paid plan for this project to work ? How about you create a small blog post or maybe a tutorial to just integrate stripe api and once payment is done maybe add in a value of true inside firebase database. I am a total noob with firebase and stripe . I am working with core and react but recently A fellow friend needed help with firebase and stripe

mindhash profile image
Amol Umbark

This is really cool. Good work 👏

sm0ke profile image

This is useful. Thanks

parthibhw19 profile image
Rathnam Parthib

invoices collection is not created on the account. I see webhook code is not getting invoked. How to troubleshoot it?.

mohammedijas profile image
Mohammed Ijas

Firebase is awesome and I have been using it for a long time. But, I am concerned about the scalability for large projects like something with 100k users using it at the same time.

saleheen profile image
Md Salehin Khan

It's cool

adeviss2 profile image
Alain Deviss

This looks great. Does it have user roles ?

chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

Good question. Yes, there are two roles for each subscription account: admin and user. Admin can change plan, view invoices and manage users.