Using Case Sensitivity (alternative to **ILIKE)**
The LIKE conditions specify a test involving pattern matching. Whereas the equality operator (=) exactly matches one character value to another, the LIKE conditions match a portion of one character value to another by searching the first value for the pattern specified by the second.
The following query finds the salaries of all employees with the name ‘SM%’. Oracle interprets ‘SM%’ as a text literal, rather than as a pattern, because it precedes the LIKE keyword:
SELECT salary
FROM employees
WHERE 'SM%' LIKE last\_name;
There are noILIKEcondition in Oracle SQL, but you still can have alternative way to do it.
Using Case Sensitivity (alternative to **ILIKE)**
Case is significant in all conditions comparing character expressions that the LIKE condition and the equality (=) operators. You can use the UPPER function to perform a case-insensitive match, as in this condition:
UPPER(last\_name) LIKE 'SM%'
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