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Clare Codes
Clare Codes

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My Journey Begins: From Coding Bootcamp to 100 Days of Code

This week marks a significant milestone in my journey— in two days, I’ll officially be a full stack developer, having graduated from Moringa School! The experience has been intense, often feeling like a race against time. But the sense of accomplishment I feel makes every project and late night worth it.

As I step into the job market (imposter syndrome and all), I'm aware that learning doesn’t stop at graduation. It’s just the beginning. I will continue to improve as a developer and joined the 100 Days of Code challenge to build on the foundation I’ve established during bootcamp.

Why 100 Days of Code?

In coding bootcamp you learn new concepts and skills at a rapid pace. While I have gained an understanding of full stack development, I want to refine my skills. The 100 Days of Code challenge is the perfect opportunity for this. By coding for at least an hour a day, I will:

  • Reinforce what I’ve learned during bootcamp
  • Explore new technologies and frameworks
  • Work on personal projects
  • Contribute to open-source projects

My Plan for 100 Days of Code

For the next 100 days, I’ll be following a structured plan to ensure I stay on track and make the most of this challenge. Here’s what I’ve mapped out:

  1. Daily Coding: I will spend at least one hour each day coding. My main resources will be FreeCodeCamp, official documentation and the Moringa School curriculum (while I still have access to it).
  2. Documenting My Progress: I’ll be documenting my journey on here, Twitter, LinkedIn and my code will be hosted on Github. This will keep me accountable, allow me to reflect on my progress, share my experience with others and get feedback.
  3. Projects and Challenges: I plan to work on a variety of projects to solidify my understanding of new and old concepts.

Day 1

Today is Day 1 of my 100 Days of Code challenge. I’ll start by focusing on HTML. My goal is to build the first project on FreeCodeCamp.

Looking Ahead

I’m excited about the journey ahead and the opportunities it will bring. The 100 Days of Code challenge is not just about improving my technical skills; it’s also about developing discipline. I’m investing in my future as a developer and working towards my ultimate goal of improving women's health and wellness in Africa.

Stay tuned for regular updates on my progress, challenges, and achievements.

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