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|JavaScript| JavaScript: Strings and More

          -Introducing Strings
          -Indices and Length
          -String Methods
          -String Methods with Arguments
          -String Template Literals
          -Undefined and Null
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Introducing Strings

Strings are another primitive type in JavaScript. They represent text, and must be wrapped in quotes.
"String of Characters"

let firstname = "Tim";

let msg = "Please do not feed the animals";

let animal = 'doggo';

let bad = "this is bad";

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It is possible to use either single or double quotes.

Indices and Length

Strings are indexed meaning that each character has a corresponding number attached to it.
C = 0
h = 1
i = 2
c = 3
k = 4
e = 5
n = 6

String Methods

Methods are built-in actions we can perform with individual strings.
Methods help us do things like searching within a string, replacing part of a string, and changing the casing of a string.

method syntax


String Methods with Arguments

let tvShow = 'catdog';


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indexOf is going to give us the string index and positional number where a given argument occurs in a string.

Some methods accept arguments that modify their behavior.
Think of them as inputs that we can pass in.
We pass these arguments inside of the parentheses.

String Template Literals

`I counted ${3 + 4} sheep`; 

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Template literals are strings that allow embedded expressions, which will be evaluated and then turned into a resulting string.

Back ticks ` are used for template literals not single quotes '

Undefined and Null

Null is the intentional absence of any value, must be assigned.
Undefined variables that do not have an assigned value are undefined.

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