I couldn’t find a good answer to this question and I looked for hours. Ultimately, I decided to document it here for the next time I need it and for anyone else out there who’s looking to disable go modules in in Visual Studio Code.
- Open up Settings (⌘,) and search for “go tools env vars”
- Click “Edit in settings.json” and set GO111MODULE to off
I also disabled the go language server as it was burning a hole through my lap:
Well that’s all there was to it! I’m now able to use VSCode for all my editing needs.
Top comments (4)
Everyone is moving towards go modules but still a good post.
True, but ya never know when you’ll work on a project that hasn’t found a need to migrate! :)
Great, this was very useful to me. Thanks!
Thanks man. It was very helpful.
It was life saving for me.
You did a really great job.