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what are different methods from Mockito framework used, explain the sequence of usage?

Different Methods from Mockito Framework

Mockito is a powerful tool for creating mock objects and defining their behavior. Here are some of the most commonly used methods in Mockito, along with their sequence of usage:

1. mock()

Creates a mock instance of a class or interface.

    MyClass mockObject = mock(MyClass.class);
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2. when(...).thenReturn(...)

Defines the behavior of the mock when a method is called.

    when(mockObject.someMethod()).thenReturn("Mocked Response");
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3. verify(...)

Verifies that a method was called on the mock object with specific parameters.

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4. verifyNoMoreInteractions(...)

Checks that no other interactions have occurred on the mock object.

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5. reset(...)

Resets the mock object to its initial state.

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Sequence of Usage

Here's a typical sequence of using Mockito methods in a test:

  1. mock() - Create mock objects.
  2. when(...).thenReturn(...) - Define behavior for the mock objects. Execute the code under test.
  3. verify(...) - Verify interactions with the mock objects.
  4. verifyNoMoreInteractions(...) - Ensure no unexpected interactions.
  5. reset(...) - Optional: Reset mocks for reuse in other tests.


    import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

    public class ExampleTest {

        public void testExample() {
            // 1. Create mock
            MyClass mockObject = mock(MyClass.class);

            // 2. Define behavior
            when(mockObject.someMethod()).thenReturn("Mocked Response");

            // Code under test
            String result = mockObject.someMethod();

            // 3. Verify interactions

            // Optional: Verify no more interactions

            // Optional: Reset mock
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Mockito provides a set of methods to create, configure, and verify mock objects in unit tests. The sequence of creating a mock, defining its behavior, executing tests, and verifying interactions ensures that unit tests are isolated and reliable.

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