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What's On Your Mind When the Lights Go Out?

Ben Halpern on May 10, 2023

Let's discuss the thoughts, dreams, and anxieties that keep us up at night. How do they impact our personal and professional lives, and what can we...
torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

Right now, the biggest concern that has been keeping me up at night has been my job search. I was laid off in December and still have yet to land my next role. I'm constantly debating with myself whether it is healthy to get excited about any position at this point, just to have my hopes smothered and further increase my anxiety. I find it harder and harder to be my authentic self during interviews. And yet, at the same time I wonder if what I thought was my authentic self even exists anymore under the stress of the job search.

I try to go back and read my own advice about navigating through the job search and maintaining ones mental health, but it's hard right now to fully take it in. Hopefully I can manage to find my optimistic and bright self again. The first step is giving myself the space to feel the feelings and the next step is trying to figure out actionable steps to move forward towards a better future.

imthedeveloper profile image

Are you searching for permanent work or freelance/contract?

For anyone reading this, I've found it exponentially easier to get work and also remain in a position since becoming a contractor/freelancer.

The process for finding, selection and working these jobs is just easier honestly. The focus is 100% on can you do X or Y. It's binary. The interviews are discussions and conversations rather than drawn out processes.

As for stability and worry of needing to find new work afterwards, generally it finds you instead. People recognise you are available and your skills, word of mouth takes over and recommendations means you don't need to talk to recruiters anymore.

torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

I’m looking for permanent work. Being a parent and wanting to continue to grow our family means looking to the future and needing parental leave and stable healthcare/other benefits available to me. I wish freelancing and contracting were a fit for me right now, but they are not. It is something I’d love to explore in the future though when it makes sense for me and is such a great option for others.

Thread Thread
theaccordance profile image
Joe Mainwaring

Given you're struggling with finding a new full time job, I would encourage you to be open minded about contract roles, reasoning:

  1. You can still hunt for a full-time job while you're working a contract role, giving you an opportunity to collect income you're currently not receiving
  2. Contractors by definition have a loose affiliation with the company. It's not going to negatively impact you if you take a contract gig and 3 or 4 weeks later give notice because you found a full-time gig.
  3. There are pathways within contracting relationships to convert into full-time roles. Not a given at every company or situation, but it is possible.
raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

I know this pain, went through that for 3 months in the beginning of this year. Don't worry and don't rush, tge right position will come to you, you juat need to keep going to the dreadful routine of emails, adds, linkedin, talk with recruiters, send cv, fulfill your skills doc etc.... But it will pass! Wish you luck in the hunt!

zima567 profile image

You got this! See your current situation as an opportunity to grow. Don't give up push through and once you all set up please come back here to tell us about your success.

yourmdsarfaraj profile image
MD Sarfaraj

Wishing you the best in your job search! You're sure to find a great opportunity soon. Stay confident and determined, and success will come your way.

heatherw profile image
Heather Williams

Usually big, philosophical thoughts about life in general. Occasionally non work related life worries, rarely work related worries.
If I have a particularly knotty problem to solve at work then I will dream about it, usually as a nightmare rather than a solving it dream. Not fun to have random chunks of code chasing you in your dreams.

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

As much as I try to not fall victim to this— I certainly do every night. LATELY, it has been a bit of brand identity scheming (normally contemplating graphic solutions to different things on our site, right now it is for CodeNewbie Podcast!). I find when I can't hack a problem, it is fun for me to try and think about it throughout the day and take a break, normally by the time I come back to it I have hacked it. BUT one of my favorite things to think about before bed is definitely things I want to cook. I have been on a juice-kick because citrus has been so good where I live lately, so this has been a fun thing to think about!

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

I rarely have insomnia, rarely remember my dreams (when I do they are just crazy comedy nonsense), don't know if it's a sign of a health mind or lack of personality 😅

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

PS: All my anxieties attack during office hours though.