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Cover image for Worst (or Best?) White Elephant Gifts: Share Yours! 🐘🎁
Sloan the DEV Moderator for CodeNewbie

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Worst (or Best?) White Elephant Gifts: Share Yours! 🐘🎁

The term "white elephant gift" is believed to have originated from the practice of giving rare and sacred white elephants as gifts in Southeast Asian cultures. These elephants were considered sacred, and owning one was both an honor and a financial burden, as they were expensive to maintain.
Over time, the term evolved to describe a type of gift exchange game where participants bring humorous, impractical, or quirky gifts. The goal is often to entertain rather than to gain something valuable, similar to the perplexing nature of receiving a rare white elephant in ancient times. The term has now become synonymous with lighthearted and playful gift-giving during events like holiday parties and office celebrations. White Elephant gifts are now often given with the intention of making the recipient either laugh out loud or question its existence.
Share the most memorable White Elephant gift you've ever given or received. 🐘✨

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integerman profile image
Matt Eland

After unwrapping a very nice Yeti mug at the office party last night, I wound up "winning" a Snoop Dog cook book and Snoop on a Stoop.

Snoop Dog Gifts

Every usage I could think of for these would be at least somewhat evil and so I decided to give them to a coworker who they were more up the alley of.

However, I had a marvelous time and got to regift 4 large board games in great shape 3 unplayed) that I didn't want to store anymore.