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Cover image for TypeError: (0 , next_sanity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createImageUrlBuilder) is not a function

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TypeError: (0 , next_sanity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createImageUrlBuilder) is not a function

Hey, Guys!

This is Kenn here, from CodeWithKenn.
From today, you'll be seeing many React/Next/Gatsby related bugs solved, just decided to add a kind of bugs Documentation style.

Because, I ended up searching for the same bugs after months (I don't remember what the solutions were). So, I decided to start documenting it here on

This helps me to save some time and be more productive.

So, Feel free to follow if you're interested! Peace ;)

Bug Info

TypeError: (0 , next_sanity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createImageUrlBuilder) is not a function

Bug Solution

*createImageUrlBuilder * is no longer wrapped by next-sanity and you'll need to install the dependency yourself Next-Sanity

$ npm install @sanity/image-url
// or
$ yarn add @sanity/image-url

Notice also that createImageUrlBuilder is now a default import.

-import { createImageUrlBuilder } from 'next-sanity'
+import createImageUrlBuilder from '@sanity/image-url'

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