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TikTok Live Streaming Feature: Technical Details and Architecture

As a former TikTok Backend Engineer, I will reveal some of TikTok's internal technical details and architecture related to the live streaming feature.

Table of Contents

  1. Requirement Analysis
  2. Technology Selection
  3. System Design
  4. Front-end Development
  5. Back-end Development
  6. Real-time Video Stream Processing
  7. Testing
  8. Deployment
  9. Operations and Monitoring
  10. Iterative Optimization
  11. Redis in Live Streaming
  12. Microservices Architecture Components
  13. Applications of Java Dynamic Proxy
  14. Redis Master-Slave Replication and High Availability
  15. Comment System Design
  16. High Concurrency and High Availability in Message Queues
  17. Distributed Cache and Message Sending
  18. B-tree vs. B+ tree Comparison
  19. Synchronizing User Login State Across Services and Cross-domain Token Handling

Requirement Analysis

First, define the core functionality requirements for the live streaming feature:

  • Video Streaming: Support for broadcasters to stream video and viewers to watch these streams.
  • Real-time Communication: Provide a chat room feature for audience interaction.
  • Gift System: Allow viewers to send virtual gifts to broadcasters, with animations and statistics.
  • Audience Management: Display an online audience list and support notifications for audience joining and leaving.
  • User Permission Management: Differentiate between permissions for normal viewers, broadcasters, and administrators.
  • Content Moderation: Implement real-time or delayed content moderation to prevent inappropriate content.

Technology Selection


  • Tech Stack: Use React.js or Vue.js to build dynamic user interfaces.
  • Video Playback: Utilize HLS.js or Video.js for video stream playback in browsers.


  • Language and Framework: Use Java with the Spring Boot framework to build RESTful APIs.
  • Real-time Communication: Implement WebSocket for real-time chat and interactions.
  • Database:
    • MySQL for persistent storage.
    • Redis for caching and session storage.
  • Message Queue: Use RabbitMQ or Kafka to handle real-time messages (e.g., chat and gifts).

Real-time Video Streaming

  • Technology:
    • Use WebRTC for peer-to-peer video streaming.
    • Alternatively, integrate third-party live streaming SDKs (e.g., Tencent Cloud, NetEase Cloud).
  • CDN: Deploy a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to enhance the speed and stability of video streaming.

System Design

  • Database Design: Create a robust data model, including entities like users, live rooms, gifts, and chat records.
  • API Design: Define clear API interfaces to support user management, live room management, and message processing.
  • Caching Strategy: Utilize Redis to cache frequent data to reduce database load.

Front-end Development

  • UI Design: Design a user-friendly interface with responsive layouts.
  • Feature Implementation: Implement video playback, chat functions, and gift-sending features.
  • API Integration: Interact with back-end APIs to display and manipulate dynamic data.

Back-end Development

  • User Management: Implement user registration, login, authentication, and authorization.
  • Live Streaming Management: Implement live room creation, starting, stopping, and status management.
  • Message Processing: Handle chat message sending and receiving, gift statistics, and more.

Real-time Video Stream Processing

  • Video Capture and Streaming: Integrate WebRTC or use third-party SDKs for video capture and streaming.
  • Video Playback: Support multi-platform video playback for a smooth viewing experience.


  • Unit Testing: Test individual modules to ensure basic functionality works correctly.
  • Integration Testing: Test interactions between system modules to ensure overall functionality.
  • Stress Testing: Simulate high concurrent scenarios to test system performance under load.


  • Server Deployment: Deploy front-end and back-end applications on cloud servers.
  • CDN Configuration: Configure CDN to accelerate video stream distribution.
  • Load Balancing: Use Nginx or other load balancers to optimize traffic distribution.

Operations and Monitoring

  • System Monitoring: Monitor server load, network traffic, and system health in real-time.
  • Log Management: Analyze runtime logs to quickly locate and resolve issues.

Iterative Optimization

  • User Feedback: Continuously optimize user experience based on feedback.
  • Feature Expansion: Add new features or improve existing ones based on user needs and market trends.

Redis in Live Streaming

  • Caching: Use Redis to cache user data and live room information to improve access speed.
  • Distributed Lock: Implement distributed locks with Redis in high concurrency environments to ensure data consistency.
  • Message Queue: Utilize Redis's publish/subscribe feature for simple message queue functionality.

Microservices Architecture Components

  • Service Discovery and Registration: Use Eureka or Consul to manage microservice instances.
  • API Gateway: Implement Spring Cloud Gateway or Zuul for request routing.
  • Configuration Management: Use Spring Cloud Config for centralized configuration management.
  • Service Communication: Utilize HTTP/REST or gRPC for communication between services.

Applications of Java Dynamic Proxy

  • AOP Implementation: Add logging, permission checks, etc., around method execution.
  • Remote Service Calls: Implement RPC calls through dynamic proxy.
  • Lazy Loading: Load actual objects only when accessed for the first time.

Redis Master-Slave Replication and High Availability

  • Master-Slave Replication: Configure Redis for master-slave replication to enhance read-write separation.
  • Sentinel: Use Redis Sentinel for failover detection and automatic failover.
  • Cluster Mode: Deploy Redis Cluster for horizontal scaling and high availability.

Comment System Design

For comment system design, use Redis's ZSET to implement sorting by likes and pagination:

  • Data Structure: Use ZSET to store comment IDs and their corresponding like counts.
  • Like Update: Use the ZINCRBY command to atomically increase like counts.
  • Sorting and Pagination: Use the ZRANGE command to retrieve comments sorted by likes and implement pagination.

High Concurrency and High Availability in Message Queues

  • Distributed Architecture: Use a distributed message queue system like Kafka for high concurrent access.
  • Replication Mechanism: Ensure message high availability through replication.
  • Batch Operations: Implement batch production and consumption of messages to improve throughput.

Distributed Cache and Message Sending

  • Distributed Cache: Utilize Redis Cluster to shard and store cache data, supporting high concurrency and large-scale data.
  • Message Sending: Use Kafka or similar message queue systems to handle message distribution to a large number of users.

B-tree vs. B+ tree Comparison

  • B+ Tree: Suitable for database indexing because its leaf nodes form a linked list, supporting efficient range queries and sequential scanning.
  • B-tree: Suitable for file systems like ReiserFS because its internal nodes also store data, reducing lookup times.

Synchronizing User Login State Across Services and Cross-domain Token Handling

  • Session Sharing: Use Redis to store session information centrally, ensuring user state sharing across multiple services.
  • JWT: Implement JWT for distributed authentication, where the client carries the JWT to access different services.
  • Cross-domain Token: Ensure security for cross-domain requests by configuring CORS settings or using HTTP headers to carry the token.

Additional Enhancements

To further improve the documentation and facilitate better understanding, consider the following enhancements:

  • Diagrams: Incorporate architecture diagrams to visualize system components and their interactions.
  • Code Snippets: Add relevant code examples to illustrate implementations, especially for complex features like WebRTC integration or Redis configurations.
  • Tables: Use tables to compare technologies or outline feature specifications clearly.
  • Links: Provide links to relevant resources, libraries, or documentation for deeper insights.

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