Follow a tag describing something you don't actually want to follow, like the #javascript tag (trust me please),
Click on the not-so cranked wheel to go to the page that handles the weights of your tags (here's the link:,
Set the weight of the tag you didn't like to
or something like this,Enjoy browsing without this popular tags on literally every page of the site!
(oh the output of the value in step 3 is funny, it even have a "anti follow" notice)
Top comments (4)
Hey! So what's with the javascript tag? :)
Oh nothing really "bad", but I don't use javascript on my everyday life, on my work, and I'm not really interested by it.
So I don't really want to see a really big list of js-related articles on (I tend to prefer Django-related stuff, but it's not as popular as js).
You are missing out weekly articles about array methods in JavaScript
I see, makes sense!