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Easy Notes in VSCode: Scraps

Hello, I'm K@zuki..

Today, I want to introduce a new VSCode extension I developed called Scraps. This extension is a handy tool for taking quick notes while coding.

What is Scraps?

Scraps is a simple extension that allows you to write notes in the sidebar of VSCode. This extension helps you quickly jot down ideas or reminders that come up during development.

Key Features

  • Easy Note Creation: You can write notes directly in the sidebar, making it easy to jot down thoughts quickly.
  • Save Functionality: Notes are saved even after closing VSCode, so you can safely store your thoughts.
  • Simple UI: The intuitive editor allows you to input notes in Markdown format.

How to Install

Search for Scraps in the VSCode Extensions marketplace and install it.

You'll see an icon in the Activity Bar that looks like a notepad with a pencil. Click this icon to open the sidebar.


How to Use

  1. Open VSCode and click the Scraps icon in the Activity Bar.
  2. Enter your text freely in the note area displayed in the sidebar.
  3. No special save operation is needed; your notes are automatically saved.

Background of Development

Scraps was born out of my need to take quick notes during daily coding sessions. Although I use other main note-taking tools, I often need to temporarily store notes that don't need to be kept long-term. I developed Scraps to fulfill this need for a simple, VSCode-contained note-taking tool.

Use Cases

Some possible use cases for Scraps include:

  • Writing notes or tasks that you don't want to include directly in your code.
  • Temporarily storing commands or tokens until you can save them elsewhere.
  • Keeping a simple to-do list for the day's tasks.


Scraps is still in its early stages, but I plan to continue adding features and making improvements. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know through the marketplace review section or the GitHub repository.

I hope Scraps enhances your coding experience!

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