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Cover image for Creative Background Parallax Slider
Creative Salahu
Creative Salahu

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Creative Background Parallax Slider

This CodePen demonstrates a full-screen background parallax slider built using Swiper.js. The slider features smooth fade transitions and autoplay functionality, making it ideal for creating visually appealing hero sections or landing pages. The background images are dynamically adjusted to cover the entire viewport, ensuring a seamless and immersive user experience.

Full Height Slider: The slider takes up the full height of the viewport, providing a compelling visual experience.
Smooth Fade Transitions: Transitions between slides use a fade effect for a smooth and modern look.
Autoplay: The slides automatically transition every 10 seconds, maintaining user engagement.
Responsive Design: The layout adjusts gracefully across different screen sizes, ensuring usability on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
Animated Content: The text and buttons within the slider feature subtle animations, adding an extra layer of interactivity and polish.
Technologies Used:
HTML5 & CSS3: For markup and styling.
JavaScript & jQuery: For interactive behavior.
Swiper.js: For the slider functionality.
Google Fonts: Using the "DM Sans" font for modern typography.
Explore the pen to see the complete implementation and customize it further to fit your needs!

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