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Cover image for Vestigo v0.5.0 - Tales of Port Scans
Médéric Burlet
Médéric Burlet

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Vestigo v0.5.0 - Tales of Port Scans


After other side projects and less free time I had to leave Vestigo for a while

With Hacktoberfest I decided to revisit this project and start to make it into something useful. When doing simple API tests I find myself often repeating the sames tasks.

  • NMAP on the target
  • Rust Scan
  • DirBuster
  • And more

The idea of Vestigo is to have a one tool that does all this with ease.



Since the last update on Vestigo on there have been a few updates to the Scan command. It will now save reports in HTML and MD.

Those reports will be saved on the user profile ~/.vestigo

The scan comes with a whois module


v0.5.0 introduces the ports command which lets you portscan a target that is either an ip or a domain.

As of now only TCP scan has been integrated. But I plan to add UDP + reporting for this module.

I also want to add the possibility to try to curl the ports that possibly have a webserver. And in the future be able to detect the stack (wordpress, react, etc.)

port scan

Example command:

vestigo ports --target=""
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Going forward

The project is open source and on github so anyone wanting to participate in the development of this tool don't hesitate to open an issue based on the TO-DO list in the with what you would like to tackle.

I hope this project can help many and that it can find some support and love.

GitHub logo crimson-med / vestigo

A tool for exploring and investigating APIs and websites.


A tool for exploring and investigating APIs and websites.


ocliff with npm and vestigo is broken to use the tool clone the repo


You can install it globally with:

yarn global add vestigo
npm i -g vestigo

Then run the tool



Scan Example:

vestigo scan --target="" --method="GET" --no-shortlist
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Port Example:

vestigo ports --target="" --protocol="TCP" --report="HTML"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

As of now reports will be saved at:

  • <domain> = hostname of the target or the ip
  • <ts> = timestamp of the scan finished
  • <extension> = extension chosen for report (md, html)



Vestigo will by default generate a mardown report. You can use parameters to set the report format to HTML.

Dev Run

To run the tool in dev mode use:

Burlet Mederic

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