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John Doe
John Doe

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Postman: How to Create Collections with API Key?

Postman is a powerful tool for API development and testing that allows developers to organize their API requests into collections. One crucial aspect of working with APIs is authentication, and API keys are a common method for securing access to APIs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to create collections in Postman using API keys, ensuring secure and efficient API management.

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Understanding Postman Collections and API Keys

What are Postman Collections?

Postman Collections are portable sets of API requests that can be reused, automated, and shared with others. They allow you to save important details for each API request, including authorization types, parameters, headers, request bodies, scripts, variables, and documentation.

What are API Keys?

What are API Keys

API keys are unique identifiers used to authenticate requests to an API. They serve as a simple yet effective way to control access to an API and track usage.

Creating a Collection in Postman

Creating a new collection in Postman

Before we dive into using API keys, let's start by creating a new collection in Postman:

  1. Open Postman and click on the "New" button.
  2. Select "Collection" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Give your collection a name that reflects its purpose.
  4. (Optional) Add a description to provide more context about the collection.
  5. Click "Create" to finalize the collection creation.

Configuring API Key Authentication

Now that we have a collection, let's set up API key authentication:

Step 1: Choose the Authentication Type

  1. Select your newly created collection.
  2. Go to the "Authorization" tab.
  3. From the "Type" dropdown, select "API Key".

Step 2: Configure the API Key

  1. In the "Key" field, enter the name of the header or parameter that your API expects for the API key. Common names include "x-api-key", "api_key", or "apikey".
  2. In the "Value" field, you have two options: a. Enter your actual API key (not recommended for security reasons). b. Use a variable to store the API key (recommended).

Step 3: Using Variables for API Keys

Using variables for API keys is a best practice as it enhances security and flexibility. So first, create an environment variable, and follow these steps:

  • Click on the "Environment" dropdown in the top right corner.
  • Select "New Environment" and give it a name.
  • Add a new variable named "api_key" (or any name you prefer).
  • In the "Initial Value" and "Current Value" fields, enter your actual API key.

In the API Key configuration, use the variable:

  • In the "Value" field, enter "api_key" to reference the variable.

Adding Requests to Your Collection

With the API key authentication set up, you can now add requests to your collection:

  1. Click on the three dots next to your collection name.
  2. Select "Add Request".
  3. Name your request and click "Save".
  4. Configure the request details (method, URL, headers, etc.).
  5. The API key will be automatically included in requests within this collection.

Best Practices for Using API Keys in Postman

To ensure the security and efficiency of your API development process, consider these best practices:

1. Use Environment Variables

Always store API keys in environment variables rather than hardcoding them into your requests. This practice allows for easy key rotation and prevents accidental exposure of your keys.

2. Utilize Initial and Current Values

Postman environments have "Initial Value" and "Current Value" fields for variables. Use the "Initial Value" for a placeholder or dummy value, and the "Current Value" for your actual API key. This approach helps when sharing collections without exposing sensitive information.

3. Implement Additional Authentication Mechanisms

While API keys are useful, they have limitations. Consider implementing additional authentication mechanisms like OAuth or JWT for enhanced security.

4. Monitor API Key Usage

Regularly monitor the usage of your API keys. Many API providers offer dashboards or reports to track API key usage, helping you identify any unauthorized access or overuse.

5. Rotate API Keys Periodically

Regularly update your API keys to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. When rotating keys, update the environment variable in Postman to reflect the new key.

6. Use Postman's API Key Management Features

For teams using Postman Enterprise, take advantage of the API key management dashboard. This feature allows team admins to control API key creation, set expiration dates, and revoke keys when necessary.

Sharing Collections Securely

When sharing collections that use API keys, follow these guidelines:

  1. Remove sensitive data: Ensure that your actual API key is not included in the shared collection.
  2. Use placeholders: In the shared collection, use placeholder text for the API key value, such as your-api-key-here.
  3. Provide clear documentation: Include instructions on how to set up the required environment variables.
  4. Leverage Postman's sharing features: Use Postman's built-in sharing options, which allow you to control access levels and exclude environment variables containing sensitive data.

Automating Collection Runs with API Keys

Postman allows you to automate collection runs, which can be particularly useful for testing and continuous integration:

  1. Set up a collection runner: Use Postman's Collection Runner to execute multiple requests in a specific order.
  2. Configure environment: Ensure that your environment with the API key variable is selected.
  3. Schedule runs: Use Postman Monitors or integrate with CI/CD pipelines to run collections automatically.
  4. Secure CI/CD integration: When integrating with CI/CD tools, use secure methods to inject API keys, such as environment variables or secrets management systems.

Troubleshooting API Key Issues

If you encounter issues with API key authentication, consider these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Verify the key: Double-check that your API key is correct and active.
  2. Check the implementation: Ensure that the API key is being sent in the correct location (header, query parameter, etc.) as specified by the API documentation.
  3. Inspect request details: Use Postman's console and request details view to confirm that the API key is being sent correctly.
  4. Review API provider documentation: Some APIs have specific requirements for API key usage, such as additional headers or parameters.


Creating collections in Postman with API key authentication is a fundamental skill for effective API development and testing. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you can securely manage your API keys, create robust collections, and streamline your API workflow.

Remember that while API keys provide a layer of security, they should be part of a broader security strategy. Always stay updated on the latest security practices and leverage Postman's features to their fullest to ensure the safety and efficiency of your API development process.

By mastering the use of API keys in Postman collections, you'll be well-equipped to handle a wide range of API interactions, from simple testing to complex automation scenarios, all while maintaining the security and integrity of your API access.

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