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How I made Google Forms automatically post submissions in our Discord server


A friend of mine invited me to work on a game with him and I, of course, accepted. Early on, we decided that we want beta testers, and a way to apply as a tester. Google Forms immediately came into mind, and I took up the task of writing some code to make it automatically post answers to the form in our Discord server.

Part 1: So... how do I even get started on this?

I knew I needed two things: A Discord webhook, and something to send the request to it with every form submission. I quickly found out about something called Apps Script, which let me interact with a bunch of Google apps (including Forms), and which I could utilise to bring this idea to life.

Part 2: Alright, let's jump into it

First, I wanted to figure out if I could even send an HTTP request from my Forms Add-on and found UrlFetchApp.fetch

function onSubmit(e) {
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Part 3: But can I use the Discord Webhook?

Yes. The Discord Webhook documentation is awesome, and I was up and running within minutes.

function onSubmit(e) {
  var discordPayload = {
    content: 'Form submitted'
  UrlFetchApp('discordwebhookurl', {
    method: 'post',
    payload: JSON.stringify(discordPayload),
    contentType: 'application/json'
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Part 4: Welp, time to actually hook it up to the form

By going to Edit > Current project's triggers, I could set up my form to trigger the onSubmit function when the form is submitted.
Setting up the trigger
Webhook in action

Part 5: Putting it all together

I don't have much to say here. Took about an hour of mindlessly browsing the Apps Script documentation, but somehow managed to write this final code:

function onSubmit(e) {
  var discordPayload = { 
    content: 'Form submitted',
    embeds: [{
      type: 'rich',
      title: 'Form submission',
      color: 7506394,
      fields: []
  e.response.getItemResponses().forEach(function(i) {
    var v = i.getResponse() || 'None'
    discordPayload.embeds[0].fields.push({ name: i.getItem().getTitle(), value: v })
  UrlFetchApp.fetch('youknowwhatgoeshereanywaysandimnotinthemoodtoleakstuff', {
    method: 'post',
    payload: JSON.stringify(discordPayload),
    contentType: 'application/json'
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The final webhook in action

Top comments (6)

maksq7 profile image

Скажите как сделать чтоб не показывало не заполненые формы а только те которые заполняли

bdeavilla profile image

Do you have a method to split the items list so that larger surveys can be posted to Discord?

cyber28 profile image

Not right now, but it wouldn't be too hard to do.

anonymyous678 profile image

How can i set response for question name as webhook username?

cyber28 profile image

You could modify discordPayload, refer to discord's documentation for more info

jag11222 profile image

Did you figure out a way to split the items yet?