I was introduced to F# some time before, but I finally decided to try it out on my own. Here is what got me motivated to do so!
Zeroth step
Ok, so there is one more step then I promised, a pre-step. But this one is optional since you can’t influence it. It involves having an F# evangelist in your company or group of friends. Luckily we have @Emmet_Ray, and a companywide introduction to F# happened a while back. On a few occasions we had external speakers doing workshops on this topic, or internal presentations held by the man himself. As I said this is an optional step, but that influencer in your group could be you!
First step
A very calm introduction to F# by @isaac_abraham designed not to scare you away, but rather to introduce you to some basic concepts and give you a warm welcome. Definitely worth a watch!
Second step
A super convenient and easy way to get familiar with F# concepts and syntax is through the FSharpKoans project. My friend @pootzko recommended this, and we solved it in parallel.
Third step
I printed out a F# Cheatsheet that is now on my desk and acts both as help but also as a reminder to play with this even more. Great web site with a tone of resources is F# for fun and profit, and this will be open in my browser for a while.
Finally, it is important that you start a project. Any project. I wanted to explore making a cli tool and I found Argu. This is where I’m at, and I look forward to using more F# in my hobby projects. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll get a chance to use it professionally as well!
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