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Do you use any special glasses for work?

Damien Cosset on February 05, 2018

Just curious, I heard that there are some glasses designed to block blue light. I was wondering if you were using such glasses, or any other special items to protect your eyes? What would you recommend? Do such glasses actually work?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I too would be curious about glasses but to add to the conversation as other have I'll also add that MacOS now has a native version of f.lux etc. It's not as featureful as those, but it's simple. If you prefer the the more feature-ful apps or don't like the idea of Apple crushing their smaller developer partners you should probably use those.

alephnaught2tog profile image
Max Cerrina

Sort of like f.lux but something I use in addition is an extension (so for Chrome, and I know there's an FF version too) called DarkReader that basically takes pages and sites and gives you the equivalent of them in a manner akin to dark theme syntax highlighting. It's really pretty impressive, you can adjust contrast/color/etc etc, and I find it much easier on the eyes. I'm also surprised at how well it works given that it is applied to all sites (by default, you can set it to automatically not-filter on specific sites, etc.)

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

I use redshift which is similar to f.lux. Other than that, the only special glasses I've used have been safety goggles when I had to run around on plant floors.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

I'm a big fan and proponent of f.lux, which adjusts your monitor settings to make the light more forgiving. It can be set to cycle with the natural light to help your eyes. It makes an especially big difference late at night.

I've never used special glasses to block blue light. But, I recently started wearing "reading" glasses when using the computer. It took a week or two to get used to wearing them, but it's made a huge difference in reducing eye strain.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

+1 for f.lux

yolanda_hanna profile image

This f.lux is awesome. Thank you for this. I've been staring at a screen since 1982 so as they say, "better late than never", for this solution.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him) • Edited

I do! But I also wear prescription glasses, and recently got a new pair with blue light blocking included with the lenses. Before that, I used f.lux, with no tint during the day and a "no blue light" tint when the sun sets (it's a setting with f.lux).

I don't know for sure if they help, but I certainly feel like my eyes are less tired ever since wearing them. This is all anecdotal, but I've noticed that I can stare at a screen for longer periods of time -- not recommended, of course, but more possible than before.

Also, taking breaks every 40 or so minutes has helped a lot. I usually get up and fill my mug with some more water and think about whatever I'm working on away from the screen.

Oh, and a lower screen brightness + enough room lighting helps me, too.

robotanalysis profile image
robotanalysis • Edited

Andy - I got my prescription glasses with lenses coated with blue light blocking and have had similar results. My eyes don't get dry as often and I get less "computer headaches". Looks like everyone likes the Gunnar glasses. I tried them at PAX but they didn't fit my face shape well. Looks like there are tons of blue light blocking glasses to check out, though.

I've tried everything to combat blue light, though. On the PC I've used two programs - F.lux and Iris - the former is free and the latter cost I think $15 but has way more options. Of course there's Night Shift on iOS and whatever feature is on Android, but I prefer actual blue light filters over the software equivalent.

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman • Edited

I use these cheap ones. They have a very light yellow tint that I don't notice while wearing them, but it blocks enough high-frequency (blue/purple) light to be effective.

When I first started coding as a job, I would get small headaches and my eyes would become hypersensitive after a few hours in front of the screen. When I walked outside after work, the sun was blinding. I bought these glasses and started wearing them to work. My problems disappeared right away. I've heard similar stories from a few others, although I can't offer any empirical evidence in favor of them.

I've tried apps like f.lux before, and I don't like them much. The tint tends to be distracting and make things look washed-out. When you're wearing computer glasses, you hardly notice 'em. Colors are a little yellower, but since I'm seeing everything through them, not just my screen, I feel like my brain recalibrates so the contrast is normal. Plus, if I need to see "true" colors, I can take off the glasses for a moment, which is easier than trying to find the right menu to temporarily turn off f.lux.

I also own a pair of Gunnars (billed as the premier brand in computer glasses) and I don't like them as much. They're a little tight on my head and the tint is much more noticeable.

Not to turn this into an advertisement for Gamma Rays, but mine are excellent in so many ways. They're practically indestructible--the plastic just snaps back into shape. They're very comfortable for extended wear, so much so that at times I catch myself wearing them to the grocery store or to lunch because I forgot I was wearing them. I've had mine since April 2015 and they've been worth it in every way.

As Ben always says, don't worry about solving problems you don't have, but if spending 8+ hours in front of the screen is causing you discomfort, you'd be hard-pressed to find a cheaper potential solution.

damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

Thanks for your answer.

I wouldn’t say I have a huge problem right now but I am mostly curious ( and worried ) about two things:

  • the long-term effect that spending most of my days in front of a screen will have on my eyes
  • how spending so much time in front of a computer affects the quality of my sleep

I try to reduce my screen time before I go to bed. But I read some articles about blue light that got me worried. I also got and headache this morning which triggered this post :D

neex profile image

As someone who wears glasses, I am limited, but I find these sexy beasts ;) to be a great investment
You can adjust the length so it fits you better. I am very happy with it. My coworkers already got used to me wear it, and after the initial smiles, there is always a discussion about how tough it is to stare at shiny screens all day, every day.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

If you get new lenses for your glasses, you might be able to get blue blocking lenses!

neex profile image

That is the plan for my next pair. I only had my current one for 3 years, so there are a few more years in them :)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Same as the others, I'd use a native app over glasses, especially since as I wear glasses anyway, I'd have to either have a set specifically made and carry them around with me or wear one pair on top of the other.

Either way, you have to remember to turn the app off or take the specs off if you're dealing with anything graphical or else you'll get a big surprise when it ships and you realise everything's twice as bright as you were expecting.

debo profile image
Marco De Bortoli

Hi there, I do use them but differently from others I wouldn't necessarily recommend "cheap" versions because I think sight is an important matter.
I used two brands so far, Rodenstock and Essilor, specifically:

They can both come with or without prescription, both guarantee long hours exposure and they mainly differ by the type of coating they use.

Rodenstock is on the light brown spectrum while essilor are light purple, but either are barely visible in normal conditions, it's only upon reflection that you might notice a little coloured tint.

In addition I use f.lux too especially because not needing prescription lenses I don't wear glasses outside of work or when in bed for example.

I hope it helps.

viki53 profile image
Corentin H. ⚡

I use some basic Gunnar ones I've had for a little over 4 years now, but only when my eyes start to hurt (mostly when I'm tired), as they're really effective but pretty yellow so not too good for color-related stuff.

Otherwise I just use the regular macOS lightshift function set automatically to follow the Sun without being too yellow (about 3/4 of the total bar length).

alex_gallotta profile image

I used to have f.lux and nightmode on my mobile phone.
I tried some blue light filtering glasses (with anti-reflex screen, etc...) and I have to say that they are much better. I had no more dry eyes and redness, and it helped me to sleep way earlier.
I bought a cheap one (you can try the Nowave, pixel lens or others on amazon for ~50) and then after I was sure I upgraded to a high quality one from a glasses shop (200+). Cheap lenses are fine, the only drawbacks I have found is that they get dirty too easily and the frame sucks.

thatjoemoore profile image
Joseph Moore

When I got new glasses recently, I got a second pair with the cheapest possible frames and lenses, but with a blue-light coating. I keep those at my desk and just switch glasses when I arrive and leave. It's worked pretty well, and I've noticed a definite difference in how my eyes feel during the ride home.

flexdinesh profile image
Dinesh Pandiyan

I use Blue Light filter glasses. The lenses are called 'blue cut lens'. I don't have any problem with the eye (short/long sight) or find it difficult to work long hours in front of laptops/monitors. But after I started wearing these glasses I sleep well at night. Apparently these glasses protect strain from the eyes and prevent the sleep inhibiting effects of blue light on our eyes.

And in the long run, if you don't filter out blue light from your eyes everyday, you'll be forced to wear power glasses starting in your 40's. So remember to put your mobile phone/laptop in night mode after sunset if you're not wearing blue light filter glasses.

dakoon2003 profile image
Derrick Koon

I wear Blue IQ lenses that I got from LensCrafters and I gotta say they are well worth it. This is the second pair I have owned. I used to get severe headaches and would spend upwards of a hour trying to get to sleep at night. That pretty much went away after I got them. My last pair had a yellow tint but these are clear and I am getting the same results. If you stare at screens all day I would highly recommend them...

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca

I wore contacts in college, and when I played CoD:MW2 I wore Gunnars and was really impressed. It really did help with eye strain. They also had a weird benefit of shifting colors, which seemed to also make it easier to see targets.

After college, I switched back to glasses as I had (unrelated) slightly scratched my cornea (Protip: DONT SLEEP WITH YOUR CONTACTS IN). I got glasses that have a little anti-glare built in. They're super hard to keep clean but they make working in an office with overhead florescent light bearable.

I also use f.lux and night shift, but more as a way for my computer to subtly tell me "hey, you're working after hours. Maybe go home?"

One thing that I do against-the-grain for eye strain is that I use black text on white background for my terminal and code. I've tried dark themes, but I don't like the shift it requires to go between dark themed programs (Sublime, IntelliJ, iTerm) to normal text like websites, Outlook, and Word. It feels like I'm inverting my eyes! So I just have everything be black on white.

lasagnalemur profile image
Nick Brown

I have used Gunnar glasses for about 5 years now. They make a big difference for me, but I might be a more sensitive to the blue light. I recommend them to everyone who gets headaches or sore eyes at work.

steenalopez profile image
Steena Lopez

I have a pair of hand-me-down Gunnar glasses that I can’t live without.

mexchip profile image
José Jorge

I have a pair of Gunnar glasses. Don't use them all the time but when I do, I feel my eyes are more relaxed.

zhangxd6_25 profile image
Xiangdong Zhang

Just got a clip that blocks the blue light. I feel that it make my eye less stressful.

shuzootani profile image

f.lux is must for me ! it should be in mac by default !!