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What should be built, not just how to build it.

As a manager in engineering, it is crucial to shift our perspective from solely focusing on how to build things to also deeply considering what should be built. In the fast-paced world of technology and innovation, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement of creating new products and solutions without pausing to reflect on the bigger picture.

When we prioritize what should be built, we are taking a step back to assess the real needs of our customers, stakeholders, and society as a whole. By understanding the underlying problems and challenges that need to be addressed, we can create more meaningful and impactful solutions. This requires a shift from a purely technical mindset to a broader, more holistic approach.

Moreover, by focusing on what should be built, we can ensure that our efforts are aligned with the long-term goals and values of our organization.

It is not enough to simply build something because we can; we must ask ourselves whether it is the right thing to build in the first place.

Today I want to leave you with the question: How many things did you do because you already knew them and could do them?

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